Homelessness: Leaving prison

Leaving prison

If you are in prison or a youth detention centre, then you should get advice and support from the resettlement worker before you are released. They can help you contact accommodation providers for when you are released and claiming benefits.

You can also apply for grants before your release, these include a £46 discharge grant and up to £50 to be used to cover your first nights’ accommodation. You can speak to your resettlement worker about this further.

You can also speak to family or friends before you are released to see if they will allow you to stay. If part of your license condition is that you cannot return home, then you need to speak to your resettlement worker in the prison or youth detention centre.

You may find that supported housing is a good option for you, as it helps you to adjust back into the community. However, most supported accommodation providers need a referral from the local authorities Homeless Team or from your resettlement worker.

If you are going to be homeless when you are released, then the prison or youth detention centre have a duty to refer you to your local authority of choice.

If you are homeless upon release or know you will become homeless before you are released, then you will need to contact our team as soon as possible so we can assess your circumstances. The sooner you contact the team, the more time we will have to assist you.


National Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders

Nacro offers advice and support for prison leavers including how to manage successful tenancies, as well as training courses (available at Nacro Sheffield Centre). 

Phone: 0300 123 1999 (Mon – Thurs 9am – 5pm, Fri 1pm – 5pm)


If you need any further advice or assistance, you can complete the online form below:

Phone: 01709 336009 (Mon-Fri 8:30am-5:00pm)

Out of Hours: 07748143170 (between 5:00pm-8:30am Mon-Fri or during the weekend and bank holidays)