See the current licensing applications made to the Council and find out how to make an objection.
Variation of an existing premise licence
Motor Fuel Limited
Rotherham Service Station
Bawtry Road
S66 1YZ
(Formerly known as Morrisons)
The application seeks authorisation to vary the exiting Licence so as to:
- Replace the plan attached at Annex 4 of the Licence with a new plan that shows the layout of the premises following alterations; and
- Remove the offered conditions currently set out in Annex 2 of the Licence and replace them with the following conditions:
1. A digital CCTV system will be installed, or the existing system maintained, such system to be fit for the purpose.
2. The CCTV system shall be capable of producing immediate copies on site. Copies of recordings will either be recorded digitally on to CD/DVD or other equivalent medium.
3. Any recording will be retained and stored in a suitable and secure manner for a minimum of 28 days and shall be made available, subject to compliance with Data Protection legislation, to the police for inspection on request.
4. The precise positions of the camera may be agreed, subject to compliance with Data Protection legislation, with the police from time to time.
5. The system will display, on any recording, the correct time and date of the recording.
6. The CCTV system will be maintained and fully operational throughout the hours that the premises are open for any licensable activity.
7. There will at all times be adequate levels of staff maintained at the premises. Such staff levels will be disclosed, on request, to the licensing authority and police.
8. Adequate waste receptacles for use by customers shall be provided in and immediately outside the Premise
9. The premises licence holder will ensure that an age verification policy will apply to the premises whereby all cashiers will be trained to ask any customer attempting to purchase alcohol, who appears to be under the age of 25 years (or older if the licence holder so elects) to produce, before being sold alcohol, identification being a passport or photocard driving licence bearing a holographic mark or other form or method of identification that complies with any mandatory condition that may apply to this licence.
10. Signage informing customers of the age verification policy adopted at the premises will be prominently displayed.
The current Annex 2 conditions, which this application seeks to replace, are set out below:
A. The licence holder shall ensure that all staff engaged in the sale of alcohol will receive suitable training (including refresher training) in relation to the proof of age "Challenge 25" scheme to be applied on the premises. The following forms of identification are acceptable: photo driving licence, passport, proof of age standards scheme (PASS) card, military ID and other locally or nationally approved form of identification.
B. The licence holder shall ensure that CCTV shall be provided on the premises and shall be kept in good working order.
C. The licence holder shall ensure that all checkout operators will operate a refusal log.
D. The licence holder shall ensure that ongoing risk assessments are undertaken in order to comply with health and safety requirements.
E. The licence holder shall ensure the premises are responsibly managed and supervised.
No change in the authorised licensable activities or the permitted hours is sought in this application.
Representations to this applications must be received no later than the 4 February 2025.