How to comment on a licensing application
You can comment on an application, either against it or in support of it. This is also known as making a representation.
You can make a representation in writing on any licensing application. You can either email us or write to us.
When making your representation, please ensure that you specify which application or premises you are responding to. It is very important that your representation sets out the reasons why you feel that the application will affect one or more of the licensing objectives. The licensing objectives are:
- The prevention of crime and disorder
- Public safety
- The prevention of public nuisance
- The protection of children from harm
Any representation that does not relate to one or more of the licensing objectives will be rejected.
Please note that the applicant will receive a copy of your representation, and this will include your personal details (such as name, address, contact details etc.). Further information on this is provided below.
Release of your personal information
The applicant will be given copies of all relevant comments / representations that have been made in relation to the application, and therefore the information that you have provided will be forwarded to the applicant. This will mean that the applicant will be aware of your personal details (including name, address and contact details).
The provision of your personal information to the applicant will allow the applicant to contact you to discuss your specific concerns in relation to the application, and may result in the applicant taking action to alleviate any concerns that you have (such as amending their application or putting forward additional safeguards / conditions).
However, the Council is aware that in some cases individuals may reluctant to submit a representation / comment because of fears of intimidation or violence if their personal details are disclosed to the applicant (either in whole or in part).
If you do not want your personal details disclosing to the applicant then please state this in your representation and outline the reasons why. Please be aware that the Council can only consider withholding your personal details where the circumstances justify such action. Therefore, if you do not want your details disclosing it is very important that you provide the Council of the reasons why you want this to be the case.
Alternatively, you can approach a local representative who may consider making the representation on your behalf. You should not delay in seeking a representative as any representations must be received within the 28 day notice period. You could ask a local Councillor (including Town & Parish Councillors), or any other locally recognised body or association. If you are unsure about whom you can approach in your area please contact us and we will be happy to advise.
Contact Licensing
If you require further information in relation to an application or the process of making a representation, please contact the Licensing Office via the email address
By post
LicensingRotherham Metropolitan Borough Council
Wing A, Floor 3
Riverside House
Main Street
S60 1AE