Mental Health Support
If you are worried about money and need support with your mental health, there is advice and guidance available through the services below:
Providing a range of practical mental health and wellbeing information, support and advice for adults in Rotherham. There is a dedicated section to offer you advice and support about coping with the cost of living and financial troubles and your mental health.
Their Wellness Hive also has information on other mental health topics. It also includes wellbeing top-tips, downloadable resources and online activities to help you take notice of your thoughts, feelings and the world around you and, ultimately, be the best version of yourself – both mentally and physically.
Visit the RotherHive website.
Mind has specific support and services for people whose mental health is being affected by money worries.
We know that poor mental health can make earning and managing money harder and worrying about money can make mental health worse – it’s a vicious cycle.
Find out more at MIND.
The Five Ways to Wellbeing are easy, everyday ways to do this that can be incorporated into our daily lives almost straight away. Information on this page also links to free activities that can help boost your mental health, including activities and services provided by Rotherham Libraries, neighbourhoods, and the culture and leisure teams at Rotherham Council.
Find out more about the Five Ways to Wellbeing.
Increasing people’s confidence in talking about suicide to reduce the number of lives lost in Rotherham. If you’re worried that someone is going to kill themself, it can feel hard to talk about. But YOU could be the person who makes a difference.
Visit the Be The One website.
Information about a range of support provided by the Council and its voluntary sector partners is available in the Keeping Well in Rotherham section of our website. This includes help for older people, Citizens Advice, special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), adult neurodiversity, domestic abuse and homelessness.
Visit the Keeping Well in Rotherham webpages
Support for Young People
This NHS service helps children and young people with their mental health via a team of support workers operating in and near to Rotherham schools and colleges.
The team help enhance support already in place from school counsellors, nurses, educational psychologists and the voluntary sector to treat those with mild to moderate mental health issues in school.
They can also help children and young people with more severe needs to access the right support and provide a link to specialist NHS services.
Visit the With Me in Mind website.
Provide advice and support to children and young people, and to their families and carers. Where the need is identified, they also offer mental health assessments, therapy and interventions for children and young people.
Visit the CAMHS Rotherham website.
Kooth is a free, safe, and anonymous online mental wellbeing community for people aged 11-25.
Whether you are looking for advice or simply not feeling your best, Kooth offers a range of features and support tools.