Tree Management Protocol & Guidance

2.1 A Guide to Trees & Woodlands in Rotherham

By caring for its tree stock and proactively planting new trees, woodlands and hedgerows the Council is making a meaningful and lasting commitment to the health and wellbeing of future generations in Rotherham.

An estimated 70% of Rotherham is considered to be ‘green’ with trees and woodlands making a huge contribution to its natural environment. Proactive surveying is currently underway to audit the borough’s tree stock which includes an estimated 50,000-80,000 individual trees in non-woodland settings and a woodland estate that covers 51 woodlands over more than 48 hectares of land.

Trees have many benefits for both the community and climate, ranging from lifting our mood and supporting better mental health to cleaning our air, removing harmful toxins, pollutants and storing carbon.

The community benefits of trees and woodlands include:

  • Helping to reduce stress levels through the prevention of noise pollution which has been linked to stress related illnesses over time
  • Helping to reduce minor crimes and anti-social behaviour, promoting a greater sense of safety, community cohesion and local civic pride
  • Providing a source of fruits and nuts for people and wildlife throughout the year with Community Orchards linked to improved health and social outcomes
  • Reducing recovery times from illness and boosting mental health, providing visual interest, marking the changing of the seasons, softening harsh building lines and screening unsightly areas
  • Economic benefits include increased property values where trees and parks are prevalent

The climate benefits of trees and woodlands include:

  • Reducing CO2 in the atmosphere by accumulating carbon and other pollutants which reduces the number of greenhouse gases in the environment
  • Increasing biodiversity and habitats for a diverse ecology of insects, birds and mammals that rely on trees for food and protection
  • Reducing flood risk by absorbing and intercepting water flows and improving soil quality by improving water holding capacity, preventing erosion and landslides and also reducing the stress on storm water drains
  • Reducing heating and cooling requirements providing shade in Summer and shielding harsh winds in Winter months