Election results for Rother Vale ward - 6 May 2021

Proposed polling districts and polling places for Rother vale

Following the local elections in Rotherham on Thursday 6 May 2021 Councillors were elected to both the Rother Vale borough ward and parish councils within the ward boundary.

Borough ward

Amy Brookes and Firas Miro were elected as ward members for Rother Vale ward. Their contact details can be found below.

The full breakdown of results for Rother Vale ward is on the Council website here.

Parish Councils

There were also uncontested elections for Treeton Parish Council. Terry Adair, Andrew Badger, Olly Dixon, Eve Levin, Les Pickford and Dennis Whysall were elected.

This year there were no elections this year for Catcliffe Parish Council or Waverley Community Council.

Published: 10th May 2021