Sites and Policies
The Sites and Policies document forms part of Rotherham's Local Plan. It identifies development sites across the borough to meet the targets set out in the Core Strategy. This is for new homes and employment development. It also includes detailed policies to guide decisions on planning applications.
A Policies Map identifies all proposed development sites, land uses and policy designations in the borough. You can view an interactive version of the Policies Map below.
The Sites and Policies document was adopted by the Council on 27 June 2018. The following documents are available to download:
- Sites and Policies document Adopted June 2018
- Adoption Statement
- The Inspector's final report
- Integrated Impact Assessment (including Sustainability Appraisal)
- Strategic Environmental Assessment Post Adoption Statement
Five Year Review
Councils are required to review their Local Plan documents every five years, to ensure that they remain up to date. A review has been undertaken of the Sites and Policies Document in 2023.
The review confirms that the document remains up to date and continues to comply with national planning policy. The review document sets out the Council’s reasons for this conclusion and is available on the downloads page.
View our Sites and Policies downloads
View the interactive Policies Map (opens in a new window)
Download a guide to the interactive Policies Map (PDF, 747kB)