The Council
Rotherham Council is a metropolitan borough council and is responsible for providing a range of services including social care, planning, housing, revenue and benefits support, licensing, business regulation and enforcement, electoral registration, refuse and recycling, leisure, culture, parks and green spaces, economic growth, highways maintenance, education and skills, community safety and public health.
It also has an important role in working with other providers of public services across Rotherham.
The Council’s constitution sets out how the Council operates, how decisions are made and the procedures that are followed to ensure that this is efficient, transparent and accountable to local people.
The Council has 59 councillors, representing 25 wards inside the Rotherham Borough geographical boundary. The Council is currently led by a Labour Cabinet of nine Members.
Your councillors and local politicians
A number of committees and panels are responsible for decision making within the Council, including Council, Cabinet, Audit Committee, Standards and Ethics Committee and Scrutiny.
Details of all these, as well as copies of agendas, papers and official minutes of proceedings can be found on the Council’s website at:
The Council is split into five directorates and the day-to-day management of the Council and its services is overseen by the Strategic Leadership Team and led by the Chief Executive, Sharon Kemp