Council Plan theme - Every child able to fulfil their potential

Performance measures

Ref Key performance indicators Good is Target 2022/23
CH01 Percentage of eligible children accessing their 2-2.5yr
health visitor checks
High 93%
CH02 Number of Children in Need (rate per 10K population 0-17 as
per DfE population)
Low 375.5
CH03 The number of children with a Child Protection plan
(rate per 10K population 0-17)
Low Fewer than 85
CH04 The number of Looked After Children
(rate per 10k population 0-17) 
Low 95.2
CH05 Open Early Help cases at the end of the reporting period
Measure for information No target
CH06 Proportion of social care re-referrals in 12 months
- in current month
Low Less than 22%
CH07 Number of children and young people who are currently assessed as having a medium to high risk of CSE (CSE cohort) Measure for information No target
CH08 Proportion of two-year olds taking up an early education place  High 85%
CH09 Proportion of pupils passing the phonics screening check in year 1  High Above Stat Neighbour Average
CH10 Number of children with Education, Health and Care Plan Measure for information No target
CH11 Number of universal youth work sessions delivered High Additional 800


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