Performance measures
Ref | Key performance indicators | Good is | Target 2022/23 |
CH01 | Percentage of eligible children accessing their 2-2.5yr health visitor checks |
High | 93% |
CH02 | Number of Children in Need (rate per 10K population 0-17 as per DfE population) |
Low | 375.5 |
CH03 | The number of children with a Child Protection plan (rate per 10K population 0-17) |
Low | Fewer than 85 |
CH04 | The number of Looked After Children (rate per 10k population 0-17) |
Low | 95.2 |
CH05 | Open Early Help cases at the end of the reporting period (children) |
Measure for information | No target |
CH06 | Proportion of social care re-referrals in 12 months - in current month |
Low | Less than 22% |
CH07 | Number of children and young people who are currently assessed as having a medium to high risk of CSE (CSE cohort) | Measure for information | No target |
CH08 | Proportion of two-year olds taking up an early education place | High | 85% |
CH09 | Proportion of pupils passing the phonics screening check in year 1 | High | Above Stat Neighbour Average |
CH10 | Number of children with Education, Health and Care Plan | Measure for information | No target |
CH11 | Number of universal youth work sessions delivered | High | Additional 800 |