Adult Care, Housing and Public Health Market Position Statement: Adult Care Market and Demand

Housing Related Support

The primary aim of housing related support is to address and prevent homelessness - this includes provision for young people, adults, and families.

Housing related support is a preventative programme assisting individuals with multiple needs, through a personalised package of support to gain the skills needed to maximise their independence, maintain settled accommodation, and integrate into the community.

Table 6. Housing Related Support (Cohort snapshot March 2022)

Support Service Type Existing Cohort (No) Predicted Demand for future Cohort Commissioning Intentions Summary
Homeless Interim Accommodation 47 TBC The Council will review all commissioned housing related support services.
Rough Sleeper Initiative Accomodation based support hub Upto 8 beds Maintained. This contract initial term runs until the 31st March 2025.
Short -Term Supported Accommodation 90* TBC The council intends to recommission these services via the newly established flexible purchasing system (FPS)
Floating Support Services 290* TBC The council intends to recommission these services via the newly established flexible purchasing system (FPS)
Housing First 35 Maintained The Council will review all commissioned housing related support services.
Domestic Abuse Refuge (including Dispersed) 18 Maintained The Domestic Abuse Refuge contract was re-procured in 2021.

*Excluding short term grant funded services

Homeless Applicant Needs

The complexity of homeless cases is increasing: In 2020/21 13.8% of cases were classed as complex, compared to 10.6% in 2019/20 and 6.7% in 2018/19.

Mental health is the most common support need identified, which has increased year on year.

The following support needs are prevalent for homeless applicants, and often applicants have multiple support needs:

  • Mental Health problems
  • Drug dependency
  • Alcohol dependency
  • Offending and repeated offending
  • Domestic abuse
  • Sexual abuse
  • Repeat homelessness
  • History of rough sleeping
  • Physical disability
  • Learning disability
  • Debt

The most prevalent reason for people presenting as homeless is that their family are no longer willing/able to accommodate.

Homelessness Prevention and Rough Sleeper Strategy

Current Services And Pathways

Table 7. Four pathways of housing related support and associating service with capacity.


Complex Needs

This covers people with a high level of need and those scoring highly on the chaos index for example, history of rough sleeping, significant offending history and lack of engagement with support services and compounding issues (including alcohol/substance misuse).

Housing First provides a recovery orientated approach moving people into independent and permanent housing with additional support and services.

Vulnerable Adults

This covers people who need support in order to live independently due to vulnerability, examples include people with learning difficulties, people with mental-ill health, people with alcohol/substance misuse issues and people with a repeat pattern of offending. Provision includes:

  • Interim Accommodation for Single People: Block of 15 single self-contained units with onsite support.
  • Homeless Families Interim Accommodation: delivers a range of family sized furnished supported housing across Rotherham, with floating support.
  • Short Term Supported Housing:
  • There are 2 short term supported housing services.
    • Elliott House provides single accommodation through 15 single self-contained units.
    • Browning Court provides 10 self-contained units.
  • Both services currently support people with a primary need of mental ill health and have a care pathway approach.
  • People living in the service are tenants on assured short hold tenancies for a maximum of 2 years.
  • Floating Support: two contracted services provide floating support which offers 220 people resettlement and tenancy support.
  • This includes short term dispersed tenancy units, which are temporary single and shared properties made available by providers for their service users.

Domestic Abuse

This pathway supports people who have experienced domestic abuse and supports the Council's Domestic Abuse Strategy.

It includes:

  • The Refuge (and dispersed) which has a minimum of 10 units of supported furnished accommodation.
  • Domestic Abuse Outreach which provides support to victims and survivors of domestic abuse at all risk levels.

The Domestic Abuse Refuge contract term ends on the 30th September 2024.

The Domestic Abuse Outreach services have been re-modelled to work across all levels of risk. This contract has been awarded and commenced on the 1st October 2022, and is inplace until atleast 30th September 2025.

Post CSE Support Services

The Council commissions services to support Victims/Srvivors of Child Sexual Expolitation (CSE). The Post CSE Services provided by three Rotherham based Voluntary and Community sector organisation, the services support Victims/Survivors of CSE through evidenced based therapeutic interventions, counselling, and trauma stabilisation.

The current contracts are in place until the 31st December 2025.

Young People and Young Parents 16-25

Young People

This covers accommodation and support for young people aged 16-25 experiencing homelessness, but requiring on-going support including teen parents, former child in need and looked after children.

  • 4 emergency units with 24-hour support.
  • 12 core, single accommodation units with 24-hour support.
  • 19 semi-supported housing via a range of dispersed properties, both single and shared housing.
  • 50 units of Floating Support.

Young Parents

This covers accommodation and support for young parents aged 16-25:

  • 27 units of supported furnished accommodation.
  • 20 units of floating support.

Commissioning Intentions Summary

Housing related support provision has been reviewed in 2022/23 to incorporate changes in demand and evidence of agile solutions and good practice following the pandemic.

The Council is in the process of establishing a Flexible Purchasing System (FPS) to support the HRS pathway, and future procurement opportunities will be advertised via the FPS.

Domestic abuse services have recently been re-procured through co-production with stakeholders, the refuge contract was awarded in 2021 and the outreach contract has been recently awarded June 2022.

The Council is currently reviewing the Post CSE Support Services as part of the recommissioning process.

Commissioning Enquiries

Contact us for any further information about the Adult Care, Housing and Public Health Market Position Statement.