Adult Care, Housing and Public Health Market Position Statement: Adult Care Market and Demand

Voluntary and Community Sector Services

A variety of voluntary and community sector organisations provide both statutory and non-statutory services.

Table 8. Voluntary and Community Sector Services.

Voluntary and Community Sector Services Number of people supported in 22/23 Commissioning Intentions Summary
Advocacy Support 1770 The current contract is in place until March 2024, with an option to extend for a further 1 year.
Sensory needs offer- Sight and Sound Circa 2,200

The current grant arrangement is in place until March 2024.

In 2023, the Council will seek to procure services to support people with a sensory impairment.
Healthwatch 465

The current contract is in place until March 2024.

The Council will seek to procure a new service in 2023.

Advocacy Support

Statutory and Community Advocacy

The Council has commissioned a VCS organisation to be the lead provider for commissioned advocacy services in Rotherham.

Through the Rotherham Advocacy Hub, they provide advice and information and if required, a qualified advocate dependant on need.

They provide statutory advocacy to meet the requirements of the Care Act 2014, the Mental Capacity Act 2005, the Mental Health Act 2007 and the Health and Social Care Act 2012.

Statutory advocacy services provide support to people who:

  • Require assistance through the care and support assessment and review process.
  • Lack mental capacity to make decision about themselves.
  • Are detained under the Mental Health Act.
  • Require support to complain about services provided by the NHS.


Figure 5. Infographic explaining who independent statuary advocacy provide support too.

Non-statutory (or generic) community advocacy is also provided to support people living in Rotherham who require assistance in relation other health and social care issues.

The current contract is in place until March 2024, with an option to extend for a further 12 months.

The Council would welcome any additional provision to support the sensory needs community. However, with limited funding for new services, support from the Council is likely to be non-monetary.

Sensory Needs Offer - Sight and Sound

As at April 2023, the Council currently supports 61 people whose primary need is sensory support. 37 people are aged between 18-64. People with a sensory impairment access a range of services.

The Council currently commissions a sensory impairment charity to provide the Rotherham Sight and Sound Sensory Impairment Service, for people with a hearing or sight impairment via a grant agreement until March 2024.

The Service provides advice, information, and assistance to people with a sensory disability to enable them to remain independent for as long as possible and prevent or delay dependency on statutorily provided services. The service also provides regular BSL Advice and Support Service sessions.

The Council would welcome any additional provision to support the sensory needs community. However, with limited funding for new services, support from the Council is likely to be non-monetary.

Local Healthwatch

Healthwatch Rotherham is the independent champion for people who use health and social care services, ensuring people are at the heart of care for all services.

This is a statutory service under The Health and Social Care Act 2012.

A local citizens’ advice service is currently contracted to provide the Healthwatch service until March 2024.

Trustees, members and volunteers and the Council welcome organisations to provide support to Healthwatch Rotherham through their future Social Value commitments.

Commissioning Intentions Summary

The Council will continue to engage with and promote opportunities to the voluntary community sector.

The Council recognises the crucial work VCS sector provide through not only commissioned services but other non-Council services.

The Council intends to provide a strong and co-ordinated preventative offer, to be delivered in partnership with the voluntary and community sector.

The Council proposes that the voluntary sector will continue to provide people with information, advice, and signposting to low-cost/ no- cost options that can be accessed to support people in Rotherham.

In 2023 the Council will procure a Healthwatch Service.

Commissioning Enquiries

Contact us for any further information about the Adult Care, Housing and Public Health Market Position Statement.