Adult Care, Housing and Public Health Market Position Statement: Adult Care Market and Demand

Physical Disabilities


Rotherham has a high rate per 100,000 population of 18-64 Physical Disability customers at 274.5, for the Yorkshire and Humber Region as a whole this figure is 217.7.  Neighbouring authorities of Barnsley (145.0) and Doncaster (226.3) Sheffield (204.5) have significantly lower rates (ref: SALT Return 15/16). Rotherham’s current figure is 270.02. Currently there are 431 people (age 18-64) with a primary need of physical disability accessing services.

There is a limited bespoke commissioned offer for working aged adults with a physical disability. Historically the offer has centred on direct payments, adapted housing using the Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) and home care and support to keep people within their own home. Some adults with life-long limiting conditions are also funded through NHS Continuing Healthcare. There is a small cohort of adults living in residential care. In some instances, this may not be the most appropriate option.

Table 8. Physical Disabilities (Cohort Snapshot June 2023)

Support Service Type Existing Cohort (No) Predicted Demand for future Cohort  Commissioning Intention Summary
Personal Budget
Direct Payment -Using a service provider 116 Increase The Council supports the use of direct payments for more flexibile and personalised solutions.
Direct Payment - Employing a Personal Assistant 57 Increase The Council welcomes use of personal budgets to employ personal assistants.
Care Services
Home Care and Care Support Services 169 Increase The Council invites CQC registered specialist home care and support providers to apply for a place on its Home Care and Support Framework.
Care Homes
Specialist Residential and Nursing Care 25 Neutral The Council aims to ensure that specialist residential and nursing care in the Borough is best in class and of sufficient number to reduce the use of out of area placements.
Out of Borough Specialist Residential and Nursing Care 12 Decrease The Council would like to provide the option to return to Rotherham for people who would like to.
Supported Living 4 Increase The Council intends to increase the amount of supported living accommodation avaliable throughout the Borough. Evidence shows that around 12 additional units of accomodation will be required annually over the next 10 years.
Shared Lives 4 Increase The Council is looking or local people to consider registering as shared lives carers to be able to offer this type of care and support option more widely in Rotherham.
Extra Care Housing 7 Neutral The Council is keen to expand extra care housing with caredelivered by staff onsite.
Day Opportunities
Independent Sector 11 Increase The Council will continue to increase day opportunities for people with complex needs.
RMBC In-house service 1 Neutral The Council will continue to increase day opportunities for people with complex needs.
Micro-enterprise Day 13 Increase The Council is keen to encourage the development of micro enterprise services for the provision of day opportunities.

Commissioning Intentions Summary

The Council welcomes discussions with potential providers about what they can offer:

  • The Council is particularly interested in specialist equipment and digital/assistive technology solutions to keep people as independent as possible.
  • The Council also encourages developments of new properties to be designed flexibility to more easily accommodate adaptations to support independent living for people with physical disabilities. Wide doors, turning circles for powered wheelchairs and heavy load bearing ceilings/floors would allow for specialist equipment to be used in the future. Bariatric considerations would also be welcome.

Commissioning Enquiries

Contact us for any further information about the Adult Care, Housing and Public Health Market Position Statement.