Provide feedback on the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) strategy (2024)

Priority 2: I have help and support in a way

All children, young people will feel safe, valued, and included in schools and settings and within the wider community.

As part of our delivery of this priority we will:

Inclusive Communities

  • Children, young people, and their families can access the places they want to go and the things they want to do, alongside their friends and families in their local community. Children and young people will be made welcome, staff will be able to meet their needs and physical accessibility improves.

Excellent Universal and Targeted Services

  • Children, young people, and their families can find and access support that meets their individual needs without needing a referral or diagnosis and without being dependent on others.

Specialist excellence in Rotherham

The needs of all children and young people, including the most complex, can be met close to home from the earliest years, throughout the whole of their education and into employment. The local area will be able to offer sufficient school places for every Rotherham child.