Why do we need a Customer Access Strategy?
People regularly use the internet for all kinds of reasons. Being able to ‘self-serve’ at a time to suit yourself and your lifestyle gives people greater control and independence and puts them in touch with information and services any time of day or night. We want to encourage and support more of our customers and communities to have these same choices too.
This strategy sets out how we are making it easier and more attractive for people to access services online, whilst at the same time making the best use of technology to work in a more cost-effective way. Increasing the number of people who regularly ‘self-serve’, rather than choosing to phone or visit a council office, will help us target our resources more effectively. It will also allow us to prioritise the people and communities who need help the most.
Of course we also understand that going online isn’t for everyone. Our communities are diverse with a wide range of people who have differing needs and preferences. This strategy has therefore been designed to make sure everyone has equal access to the information and help they need regardless of their individual circumstances, whilst also helping and supporting people to enjoy the wider benefits that being online can bring to their daily lives. For example, looking for jobs, saving money, finding out about personal interests and hobbies and keeping in touch with family and friends.
Did you know:
- signing up to ‘Your Account’ gives you 24/7 access to Council Tax, Benefits and a record of any requests you’ve made online when logged into ‘Your Account’. Once you’ve registered there will be no more need to file your paper Council Tax bill as your electronic version will be available to view online whenever you need it. Just one of the many benefits of signing up.
- you can pay online for a range of services, as well as via the automated telephone payment line.
- signing up for email alerts means you can keep up to date about the subjects you’re interested in. It’s quick and easy – you just need to register either your email address or your preferred social media account, such as Facebook
- 'liking’ our Facebook and Instagram page means you'll regularly receive information and news about Council services, events, consultations and much more.
- Following us on ‘X’ means you’ll receive Council news as it happens. We want everyone in Rotherham to make the most of all the digital opportunities available, and help and support more of our customers to get online, so that this becomes the natural way they do business with the Council.