
About Scrutiny

Scrutiny is an important process carried out on behalf of the residents of Rotherham. Front line councillors work together with experts in this process.

We do this by:

  • Challenging performance to raise standards and checking whether services meet people’s needs
  • Examining the council’s cabinet decisions and holding them to account
  • Looking at issues which affect the wellbeing of the borough and the community
  • Considering the work of outside bodies

We welcome and encourage local people to be involved. All meetings are open to the public and are broadcast live on the internet by webcast.

If you have an idea or suggestion that you think scrutiny could look at please let us know. 

Each year we publish an annual report and work programme. The documents detail achievements over the past 12 months and plans for the year ahead.

The report and work programme takes into account the council’s strategic plans which include:

  • Corporate plan
  • Community strategy summary
  • Plan of key decisions

Scrutiny Annual Report

Get involved

We welcome your comments on reviews and suggestions for future topics.

The witness charter

The witness charter will give you further information if you are attending a select commission or working group