Rotherham’s All Age Autism Strategy 2020 - 2023

5. Ageing well

Autistic adults living in Rotherham will be better supported as they grow old


This is about making sure autistic people as they grow older they receive the right kind of support to help them live as well as possible.

How will we get there?

1. As the population grows older, the number of adults with autism is projected to rise, with an associated increase in the need for care and support for independent living.

  • Rotherham will aim give autistic greater control over the care they receive as people grow older, with more care and support being offered in or close to people’s homes, rather than in hospital.

2. Stakeholders, including service providers, voluntary organisations, people with autism, families and carers, have told us they want to see improvements in support and services locally.

  • In Rotherham’s Integrated Health and Social Care Place Plan there is a commitment to make better use of technology such as wearable devices and monitors to support people with long-term health problems in new ways, helping them to stay well and live independently for longer.