Rotherham’s All Age Autism Strategy 2020 - 2023

3. Moving on well to independence

Rotherham’s autistic children and young people are provided with the same opportunities to thrive going into adulthood  


Families need help and accessible support and information to enable children to develop life skills to live independently. Autistic young people need support and training to develop life skills, including managing personal relationships and support to access employment opportunities.

How will we get there?

1. Plans are put in place to meet these needs as young people move into adult life.  This will see the development of both a targeted offer and a universal offer (open to all). 

We will ensure that transition pathways consider the needs of autistic young people.  Ensuring that young approach to ensure people’s needs are identified. and,

We will ensure the effective coordination and delivery of programmes providing targeted support to autistic people.  This includes initiatives such as the European Social Funding (ESF) Pathways Programme – Pathways to Progression - Supporting 15 to 19 year-olds not in education employment or training (NEET) to engage in learning or employment and Pathways to Success.

Pathways, Work and Health, Building Better Opportunities and Jobcentre Plus work coaches. 

2. We will make sure that all provision made through the graduated response – this is a person centred