Rotherham’s All Age Autism Strategy 2020 - 2023

Next Steps

Implementation Plan 2020-2023 - Rotherham All-Age Autism Strategy

People in developing this strategy said they wanted action and not just ‘fancy’ words.  Time was spent developing a clear implementation plan with programmes of work to ensure the strategy ‘lives’ and delivers the vision.   We have identified the following ongoing challenges:

  • Supporting services and the community to be open to support people with autism: for the community to celebrate neurodiversity. 
  • Diagnosis and post-diagnostic offer for Children and Young People and Adults.
  • Rotherham CCG and RDaSH are working to create ‘all-age’ solutions to address the diagnosis waiting list issues and develop a local post-diagnostic offer for adults. 
  • Ensuring that the right support is available and is cost effective.

How we will measure success?

Clear success criteria is identified and measured in the plan.  The Autism Partnership Board reporting to Rotherham’s Health and Wellbeing Board every 6 months will monitor progress.  This will be done with Rotherham’s autistic adults, young people, children, families and practitioners who work with them.