Rotherham Family Hubs further information and support

Health Support

Register a birth in Rotherham

All births in England, Wales and Northern Ireland must be registered within 42 days of the child being born.

Find out more information on how to register a birth

Relationship support

Whether couples are together or separated, disagreements are part of everyday life, however the way that conflict is resolved is important and regular conflict can have a negative impact on children. Thinking about the quality of a couple relationships is central to the work that we do and the Parent’s as Partners programme is available to help parent and carers in conflict.

The Relationship Matters website is available if you would like to access support to help with conflict.

Find out more about Relationship matters

Good oral health for all the family

For parents, it’s important to ensure your child has a beautiful healthy smile that will last them a lifetime.

Further information on how to take care of your child’s teeth can be found on the NHS website.

Find out more about Chldren's teeth

Financial Support

Debt advice

Staff at Rotherham Family Hubs are able to provide guidance about financial support that is available and can connect to further support if required.

You can also visit the Money Matters webpage on the to find out more about what support is available for people in Rotherham.

Find out more about Debt advice and support

Housing support

If you need support or advice about paying your rent, you will be able to access information on the Council website.

Find out more about Housing Support

Wellbeing support

Domestic abuse

Help and support is available for anyone who is experiencing or has been affected by domestic abuse.

Further information is included on the Council website.

Find out more about Domestic abuse support


This Rotherham Safeguarding Children Partnership website provides important safeguarding information for the public, children, young people, parents, carers, school staff and other professionals.

Find out more about Rotherham Safeguarding

Drug, alcohol and smoking support

Free advice and support for anyone who wants to stop drinking, smoking or needs help with drug use.

Find out more about advice and support for anyone who wants to stop smoking

Additional Services

Families Information Services

Free information, advice and guidance for parents, carers, practitioners, children and young people on a wide range of services and activities/events available in Rotherham.

Find out more about Families Information Services

Voluntary organisations

Voluntary and Community Sector organisations can help to provide support for children, young people and families in Rotherham.

Find out more on the Children, Young People and Families’ Consortium website.

Find out more about the Children, Young People and Families’ Consortium

Youth Justice

The Rotherham Youth Justice Service works to prevent children and young people getting involved in crime. If a young person does enter the youth justice system, they work to ‘child first’ principles to ensure the best possible outcomes for young people and victims of crime.

Find out more about the Rotherham youth justice service