Register to carry out acupuncture
Any person carrying on the practice of acupuncture and the premises from which they operate must be registered with the Local Authority.
The applicant must ensure that the facilities, equipment and procedures used are safe, hygienic, prevent the spread of infectious disease and comply with the Local Authority Byelaws and general Health and Safety law.
It is illegal to carry on the practice of acupuncture in Rotherham unless you and the premises where the practice is undertaken are registered with Rotherham Council.
Price for registering
If you have not previously been registered to undertake Acupuncture in Rotherham and you are operating from a new unregistered premises, then the full registration fee of £230 is required.
If you are already registered to undertake Acupuncture in Rotherham but are moving premises, then only the new premises fee of £194 is required.
If you are planning on carrying on the practice of Acupuncture at a premises that is already registered, then only the applicant fee of £36 is required.