New or replacement wheeled bins

Use our online service to order and pay (if applicable) for new and replacement wheeled bins.

You'll need to order replacement wheeled bins if they have:

  • damaged lid, split sides or broken wheels
  • been lost or stolen
  • are missing when you moved in
  • not been bought from us

If your wheeled bin has been damaged or it has been stolen and it is the first time you have reported a stolen bin, we'll replace it free of charge.

There will be a charge for bins at new build properties or additional bins at any property. Rothercard holders are entitled to a 50% discount on pink lidded bins, green bins and black bins.

If you've moved into a new build or a private rented property you are entitled to a full set of bins. Please speak to your builder or landlord before placing an order with us.

Bin type New build Additional/2nd time stolen containers

140 litre Pink lid bin for household waste
(50% discount for Rothercard holders)

£26.00 £25.00 

180 litrePink lid bin for household waste
(50% discount for Rothercard holders)

£27.00 £27.00

Green bin for recycling paper and cardboard
(50% discount for Rothercard holders)

£30.00 £30.00

Black bin for recycling tins, cans, plastic and glass
(50% discount for Rothercard holders)

£30.00 £30.00
Brown bin for recyling garden waste Sign up for garden waste collections £29.00
Delivery (4 bins maximum per £11 delivery) £11.00 £11.00

For further information on Rothercard's please go to

Order a new bin

If you don't buy wheeled bins from us

If you don't want to buy a replacement wheeled bin from us, you can take your waste to one of our recycling centres.

Please note that our waste collection team:

  • cannot collect bags of waste from wheeled bin collection areas
  • will only empty wheeled bins that we've supplied

Find a recycling centre