9. Comments and complaints
1. Feedback helps ensure our services meets the needs of the Council’s customers so that there can be learning to bring improvements. All views are welcomed whether they be good or whether they suggest improvement is needed. Customer satisfaction surveys, from time to time, are used but feedback can be made at any time.
2. The Council will provide a clearly explained complaints procedure. This will allow those that are regulated to easily make complaints about the conduct of the regulator. All complaints about the services offered by the Council will be dealt with in accordance with the Council’s formal complaints procedure. An information leaflet is available at all Council offices. This is available in electronic or paper format upon request in accordance with section 2.3 of the Regulators' Code.
3. There is a willingness to discuss with you the reasons why there has been a particular course of action or why you may have been asked you to act in a particular way. You can contact the named officer that is dealing with your case, or ask to speak to the officer’s line manager.