Council Plan - One Council

Where we are now, and where we want to be

Where we are now

In recent years, the Council has been focused on rebuilding public trust and delivering high quality services whilst effectively responding to the challenges faced by residents, partners and businesses across the borough.  This has been achieved against a backdrop of growing demand and an unprecedented period of budget reductions for local government.   

Many of our services have been redesigned to focus on asset-based working, early intervention, and prevention to give communities and citizens more control over the issues that are most important to them.  Digital processes have been improved or introduced, making it easier for people to access the services they need. 

Since the pandemic, the Council has provided the tools and flexibility to enable staff to work from home and continue to deliver services in a safe way.  Staff have embraced new technology and ways of working, allowing us to transition to a new ‘hybrid working’ model.  

Where we want to be

Our focus remains on Rotherham residents, building relationships based on trust, and working with people and communities to solve problems and make the most of opportunities.  

We will continue to deliver value for money services to the people of Rotherham within the financial resources available to us, whilst continually seeking to improve our approach with more innovative ways of working.

A new programme will ensure that customers receive a consistent, high quality and efficient service from all areas of the Council. This will involve agreeing a new set of customer service standards with Rotherham residents to deliver an excellent customer experience, by improving the quality of our customer contacts.

Our workforce is critical to delivering the Council’s priorities and a new workforce strategy will help us to ensure that staff feel valued, supported and empowered as they continue to deliver the best possible services for local people.


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