Payments and charges

Ad-hoc service requests

Ad-hoc service requests relate to services which are considered to fall outside of the standard leasehold management service provision. This means that a separate ad-hoc charge is payable.

These are generally services where only the individual requesting the service will benefit from the service in question, therefore it would be unfair to pass the costs on to other leaseholders under a standard apportionment.

Charges identified with an ‘up-front’ payment will require payment to be made before the service is provided. Those with payment identified as ‘on account’ will see the charge added to the leasehold service charge account.

Ad-hoc charges are subject to change. Please confirm the amount to pay before requesting the service

Ad-hoc service requests
 Service requested/required  Charge  Payment
Copy documents
 Copy service charge demand  £10  Up-front
 Copy other letter / form  £10  Up-front
 Copy lease (held locally)  £15  Up-front
 Copy lease (not held locally)  £25  Up-front
 Copy certificate / report  £15  Up-front
Property alterations
 Approval for minor works  £25  Up-front
 Approval for major works  £100  Up-front
 Surveyor inspection (if needed)  £50  Up-front
Re-sales and mortgage enquiries
 Solicitor information pack  £50  Up-front
 Additional solicitor enquiries (up to 1 page)  £25  Up-front
 Fast track service (additional to standard fee)  £50  Up-front
Lease / account changes
 Registering Notice of Transfer (legal fee)  £10  Up-front
 Registering Notice of Charge (legal fee)  £10  Up-front
 Updating our records (e.g. name change)  Nil  N/A
 Recording change of ownership  £25  Up-front
 Lease extension  Full costs (variable)  Up-front
 Lease variation  £100  Up-front
Other documentation
 Statement of account  £15  Up-front
 Annual repairs report  £15  Up-front
 Ad-hoc letter (template available)  £15  Up-front
 Ad-hoc letter (no template available)  £25  Up-front
Enforcement action
 Formal letter regarding breach of lease (additional)  £15 (no charge 1st letter)  On account
 Visit regarding breach of lease (no Notice)  £50  On account
 Production and service of formal Notice  £75  On account
 Letter pursuant to court judgement  £15  On account
 Land Registry search fee  £10  On account
 Other tracing  £25  On account
 Letter of satisfaction (county court judgement)  £15  Up-front
 Legal action  Variable (full legal costs)  On account
Long term repayment plans
 0 to 12 months by Direct Debit  Nil  N/A
 13 to 24 month plan: management fee  £50 one-off charge  Up-front
 25 to 48 month plan: management fee  8% annually  On account
 49+ month plan: property charge registration  £200 + first year fee at 8%  Up-front
 49+ month plan: management fee  8% annually  On account
 Court order repayment: interest requested  8% annually  On account
Major works repayment
 0 to 24 months by Direct Debit  Nil  N/A
 Voluntary property charge (25+ months): registration  £200 + first year fee at 8%  Up-front
 Voluntary property charge: annual management fee  5% annually  On account
 Voluntary property charge: release of charge  Nil  N/A

Update your Leasehold Details

It's important that the contact details we hold for you are complete and up-to-date. We would particularly like to be provided with your email address as we feel that the use of electronic communications wherever possible will help to keep service charges as low as possible.

Get involved with Leasehold Services

We are keen to involve leaseholders in the development of our services and we would like to know if you want to be included on our customer involvement database.