This Market Position Statement details information about commissioned services across Adult Care, Housing and Public Health, with a predominant focus on Adult Social Care in Rotherham. It presents the opportunities available for new providers and services.
As a Council we are committed to ensuring that we are creating a Rotherham where everyone can live independently, safely, and healthily in their community for as long as possible.
This Market Position Statement supports this ambition by providing an overview of the opportunities available to you in Rotherham. It presents the Council’s future strategic priorities and upcoming procurement opportunities that may be of interest to you.
The Market Position Statement also aims to provide the background information and context to support any future business proposals. It outlines the details of the number of people we support through our many commissioned services, the predicted future demand, and our overall commissioning intentions.
Please utilise the information shared and navigate the specific sections that are relevant to you in this webpage.
Together, we as the Council, along with our partners in the health system, can, with you, create an offer in Rotherham that promotes high-quality, person-centred care and support for all of our customers.
The Council welcomes suggestions of innovative ways of working and new partnerships.
Thank you for taking the time to visit the Market Position Statement and we look forward to working with you.
Ian Spicer
Strategic Director of Adult Care, Housing and Public Health.
June 2023
Adult Care Market and Demand
Older people
The population aged 65 and over in Rotherham was estimated at 53,200 in 2020, this is predicted to increase by 7% to 57,100 by 2025 and by 16% to 61,800 by 2030. The age group of 75+ is showing the greatest rate of increase.
Learning Disabilities, Autism and Preparation for Adulthood
The population of people living with a primary need of a learning disability in Rotherham was estimated to be 5202 in 2022. This number is predicted to increase by approximately 100 people every 5 years, with an overall increase of 5% by 2032.
Mental Ill Health
The population estimated to have a common mental health disorder in Rotherham is 25,300 in 2022 for people aged 18-64, ONS predictions predict an increase to 25,590 by 2032 and the number predicted to have a psychotic disorder is 1,097 and 5,233 people are predicted to have antisocial personality disorder.
Housing Related Support
Housing related support is a preventative programme assisting individuals with multiple needs, and service users require a support package to gain the skills needed to maximise their independence, maintain settled accommodation, and integrate into the community.
Physical Disabilities
Rotherham has a high rate per 100,000 population of 18-64 Physical Disability customers at 274.5, for the Yorkshire and Humber Region as a whole this figure is 217.7. Neighbouring authorities of Barnsley (145.0) and Doncaster (226.3) Sheffield (204.5) have significantly lower rates (ref: SALT Return 15/16).
Unpaid Carers
In Rotherham, there is a predicted 31,500 unpaid carers, meaning at least 12% of people living in Rotherham fulfil an unpaid caring role. As Rotherham's ageing population increases, it is predicted that more people will identify as an unpaid carer.
Voluntary and Community Sector Services
A variety of voluntary and community sector organisations provide both statutory and non-statutory services. Voluntary and Community Sector Services, number of people supported annually, predicted demand and commissioning intention summary (as of April 2022).
Public Health Commissioning Market and Demand
The Public Health Grant is used to commission services that improve the health and wellbeing of the population. Some of these services are mandated and the Local Authority must provide them.
Market Overview
Procurement Opportunities
Commissioning Approach
Useful Links and Plans/Strategies
- Council Plan
- Year Ahead Plan
- Health and Wellbeing Strategy
- Rotherham Data Hub
- Rotherham Integrated Health and Social Care Place Plan
- Social Value Policy
- Social Value Toolkit
- YORtender
- Rotherham Council Contract Register
- Rotherham Digital Strategy
- Rotherham Housing Strategy
- South Yorkshire Integrated Care Board Market Position Statement 2022