Housing Annual Report April 2022- April 2023

Home standard

Tenant Satisfaction Measurement

  • Homes are safe

92.79% - Repairs completed right
first time, target 87% (up from
90.85% last year)


99.83% - Satisfied with repairs,
target 88%
(up from  95.21% from last year)


Repairs completed within timescales
99.83% within 4hr & 99.46% within 28 days
(Up from 99.57% for 4 hours, down from 99.64% for 28 day repairs) 


99.995% - Homes meet decent homes
Standard (down  0.005% from last year)


99.99%-target 100%(up from 99.97% last year)


167- Cavity Wall/External
Wall insulations



1,683- Gas Boiler 

Loft Insulation
150 - Loft Insulation Installations


Case Study

The Thermal Improvement Scheme in Maltby has delivered external wall, cavity wall and loft insulation, and new high-performance doors and windows in 130 council homes. This means that tenants are now living in more energy efficient homes and could now be saving up to £400 per year on their energy bills. The £4.3 million project also contributes to ongoing work at the council to get carbon emissions within the borough to net zero by 2035.

The whole process has been more than worth it. In previous years I would have had to put my heating on in September but not now. It's lovely and warm and I'm already starting to notice the difference in my energy bills, which would have gone up substantially had the work not been carried out.

Maltby tenant - Mrs Russell

This is just one of the many ways the Council is looking to provide residents with high quality homes that are more energy efficient and a lower cost to maintain. By working with tenants, we're ensuring that their needs are met, and we work around their commitments - just as any landlord should do.

Councillor Leader - Chris Read

Thermal Improvement Scheme Maltby.