Planning applications

Cost of planning advice

Types of enquiry and fees


Type of enquiry


(Including VAT)


Do I need planning permission

  • Extensions/alterations (Householder applications only)







Section 73 development

  • Minor material changes to approved schemes



Listed Building / Conservation Area /TPO advice




Other development

  • Change of use of land
  • 1 Dwelling
  • Other development/buildings, less than 75 sqm (floor area)


Minor development

  • Dwellings: 2 - 3 / <0.25 ha (site area)
  • Other development/buildings: 100sqm – 500 sqm (floor area) / <0.5 ha (site area)
  • Change of use to flats (any number)



Minor development (larger scale)

  • Dwellings 4 - 9 / 0.25 - 0.5 ha (site area)
  • Other development/buildings 500 - 1,000 sq m (floor area) / 0.5 - 1 ha (site area)



Small-scale Major development 

  • Dwellings: 10-199 / 0.5 - 4 ha (site area)
  • Other development/buildings 1,000 – 9,999 sq m (floor area) / 1 - 4 ha (site area) 
Initial Meeting


Subsequent Meetings


See additional schedule for further information  


Large-scale Major development

  • Dwellings: 200+ / more than 4 ha
  • Other development/buildings: 10,000+ sqm (floor area) / more than 4 ha (site area)
Initial Meeting


  Subsequent Meetings


See additional schedule for further information  


Strategic developments of borough wide significance and/or especially complex issues

Planning Performance Agreement (PPA) recommended




Confirmation that conditions or legal agreement complied with - copies of decision notices etc.




Enforcement Notice Withdrawal




The intention is to recover the cost of the service provided, based on an average rate of £85 an hour (inc VAT) where the above fees will cover the officer time to assess your proposal and provide a written response.  The exceptions to this are the small scale and large scale major development where we aim to arrange a meeting with you within 10 working days of the request of your enquiry which will also include relevant consultees and specialist officers.  Following on from the meeting, we then aim to provide written comments regarding your proposal within a further 10 working days, summarising the issues raised, recommendations and the general level of acceptability.  

If significantly more officer time is required than the fee suggests or a site visit is required, an additional fee will be requested in advance.  This will ensure that pre-application fees cover our costs and remain fair and reasonable.

The more information you can provide us, in respect of your proposal, the more detailed advice we will be able to provide to you. In all cases we will require the following as a minimum:
• 1:500 Site plan
• Sketch/outline drawings and elevations
• Any further information you have about the proposal

It maybe necessary for us to ask you for further information for more complex proposals, such as:
• A draft Design and Access Statement
• Site surveys (e.g. Tree, Landscape, Ecology, Archaeology, Noise etc)
• Initial Flood risk assessment
• Any proposed planning obligations identified by yourselves


Works to improve a disabled person’s access to a public building or to improve his/her access, safety, health or comfort at his/her dwelling house do not require any fee.

Enquiries from Parish Councils attract a fee of half that quoted above.

Building Regulations Consent

Some works may also require Building Regulations Consent, please make an enquiry for more advice in this respect.

Make a householder planning enquiry

Make a general planning enquiry