Public rights of way

Public Ways

Map showing public rights of way in Rotherham

We have a mapping system which can be used to show you public rights of way in Rotherham.

See a map of public rights of way

What are the different rights of way?

Rights of way fall into one of four categories:

  • Yellow markers - public footpaths. For pedestrians only
  • Blue markers - public bridleway. For pedestrians, horse riders and cyclists
  • Purple markers - restricted byway. For pedestrians, horse riders, cyclists and horse-drawn vehicles
  • Red markers - public byway. For pedestrians, horse riders, cyclists and horse-drawn or motorised vehicles

Current way closures in Rotherham

Isn’t it irritating when you can’t take the route you want? Ways can be closed if a situation arises that affects public use of the way. If this is the case with your planned route you may wish to change the walk or take a diversion.

Path name Location Date from Date to Map

Found a problem with a right of way?

Please let us know if you've found a problem with a right of way. We can investigate the problem and arrange maintenance or contact the landowner

Cross boundary routes

You might also want to check for any path closures in neighbouring areas. These can affect routes out of Rotherham into other areas.