Street works permits

Yorkshire Common Permit Scheme: deregulation information

Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council gives notice that it intends to make an Order as follows which will come into force on 1 October 2015.

The Traffic Management (Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council) Permit Scheme Order 2015

The Order will be made under Section 33A (2) of the Traffic Management Act 2004 to vary “The Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council Permit Scheme” which was brought into effect on 12 June 2012.

In the Order “Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council” means the permit scheme commonly known as the “Yorkshire Common Permit Scheme”.

The Order will vary the “Yorkshire Common Permit Scheme” to comply with the requirements of the Deregulation Act 2015, the Traffic Management Permit Scheme (England) Regulations 2007 as amended, and the Traffic Management Permit Scheme (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2015 (“the Amendment Regulations”).

Amendment Regulation 14 (2) suspends the requirement for existing permit authorities to undertake detailed stakeholder consultation where changes are simply to comply with the amendment regulations. Permit authorities currently operating a permit scheme need to give at least four weeks’ notice prior to the implementation date.

In varying the permit scheme Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council has taken account of paragraph 7 of the “Permit Scheme Advice Note: Implementing changes required by 1 October 2015” issued by the Department for Transport and dated 1 July 2015. Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council will also adopt the Revised Fee Structure set out in paragraph 23 of the “Additional Advice Note – for developing and operating future Permit Schemes” issued by the Department for Transport and dated February 2013.

A copy of the amended permit scheme document showing the changes to be made is included with this notice. A copy of Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council’s permit scheme Supplementary Information document showing the revised fee structure is also included with this notice.

If you have any questions regarding this notice or the Order to be made, you can either email Andrew Rowley or write to:

Streetworks and Enforcement
Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council
Riverside House
Main Street
South Yorkshire
S60 1AE

Download the deregulation documents