Year Ahead Delivery Plan 2024
Outcome: Effective customer services – residents know we mean what we say, are kept informed and can access the services they need in the way that suits them
Ref | Activity |
Timescales for completion |
Lead officer | Lead directorate | Lead Cabinet Member |
6.1 |
Enhance and improve the Council website to ensure information is accessible, accurate and customer focused and increase the number of services available online. (Links to LGA Corporate Peer Challenge action in response to recommendation 6) |
Quarter 4 | Assistant Director, Customer, Information and Digital | Finance and Customer Services | Cabinet Member for Finance & Safe and Clean Communities. |
6.2 |
Review the face-to-face customer experience at Riverside House to ensure all services are delivered consistently through a new agreed model which can then be used across all RMBC sites in the future. (Links to LGA Corporate Peer Challenge action in response to recommendation 6) |
Quarter 4 | Assistant Director Customer Information and Digital Services | Finance and Customer Services | Cabinet Member for Finance & Safe and Clean Communities. |
6.3 | Make it easier for customers to report and receive feedback on their queries and improve the accessibility of community safety and street scene services. This will include a review of website information, ensuring webforms are provided for each service and continuing to introduce new IT systems. | Quarter 4 | Assistant Director Community Safety & Street Scene | Regeneration and Environment | Cabinet Member for Finance & Safe and Clean Communities. |
Outcome: Engaged, diverse and skilled workforce who feel empowered to adopt new ways of working to meet the needs of all customers
Ref | Activity |
Timescales for completion |
Lead officer | Lead directorate | Lead Cabinet Member |
6.4 |
Launch new management development programme. |
Quarter 4 | Head of Organisational Development and Change | Assistant Chief Executive’s Directorate | Leader of the Council |
6.5 |
Deliver the Employee Opinion survey for 2023. |
Quarter 3 | Head of Organisational Development and Change | Assistant Chief Executive’s Directorate | Cabinet Member for Finance & Safe and Clean Communities |
6.6 | Undertake targeted events and campaigns to engage with residents to remove barriers to recruitment and ensure employment opportunities are maximised. | Quarter 3 | Head of Organisational Development and Change | Assistant Chief Executive’s Directorate | Cabinet Member for Finance & Safe and Clean Communities |
6.7 |
Commission and deliver first cohort of a learning and development programme that will help embed a strength based-working approach across the Council’s workforce and partners:
(LGA Corporate Peer Challenge action in response to recommendation 6) |
Quarter 3 |
Head of Neighbourhoods Head of Organisational Development and Change |
Assistant Chief Executive’s Directorate | Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Social Inclusion and Neighbourhood working. |
Outcome: Effective leadership, working with our partners to achieve better outcomes across the whole borough
Ref | Activity |
Timescales for completion |
Lead officer | Lead directorate | Lead Cabinet Member |
6.8 | Refresh the member development process using the member development survey and member personal development plans.
Quarter 4 |
Ongoing – Quarter 4 |
Head of Policy, Performance and Intelligence Head of Communications |
Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Neighbourhood working. | Leader of the Council |
6.9 |
Work with partners to promote the Rotherham Plan key successes and achievements, through:
(LGA Corporate Peer Challenge action in response to recommendation 2) |
Ongoing – Quarter 4 |
Assistant Chief Executive’s Directorate | Assistant Chief Executive’s Directorate | Leader of the Council |
6.10 |
Refresh of Rotherham’s Health and Wellbeing Strategy for 2025 – 30.
(Also links to people are safe, healthy and live well theme) |
Quarter 4 | Director of Public Health (on behalf of the wider Partnership) | Adult Care, Housing and Public Health | Cabinet Member for ASC and Health |
6.11 | Implement both the Member Induction and Development Programmes to support new Members and ensure they can conduct both their Community Leadership and Town Hall roles. |
Ongoing – Quarter 4 |
Head of Democratic Services | Assistant Chief Executive’s Directorate | Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Social Inclusion and Neighbourhood working. |