Paying for Adult Care Services

Help paying for care in a care home

Care home costs

The cost of a care home depends on:

  • The type of care you need
  • The care home you choose and how much the care home charges for their services
  • Whether or not you qualify for any financial help towards the cost from the council.

If you decide to move into residential care you will always have to contribute something towards the cost of your care.

Each year, the Council sets a maximum figure that we will pay towards your weekly care home costs. The amounts vary depending on the type of care you receive.
From 3 April 2023, the maximum weekly contribution is:

Private care home

  • Residential Care £653
  • Residential Dementia Care £681
  • Nursing Care £715*
  • Nursing Dementia Care £793*

*These rates exclude the Funded Nursing Care (FNC) rate of £235.68 per week from 1st April 2024.

Rotherham Council care home

  • £708.30 for residential care / residential EMI care

The amount you pay is worked out using a national set of rules. The Council will pay the difference between your contribution and the fee for your place in the home, so long as the home doesn't charge more than we expect to pay.

The value of your former home will be included as part of the financial assessment, however it should be disregarded if your spouse or partner lives there, or another relative lives there who is either over 60 years of age or receiving a disability benefit. Your home is also ignored if you enter a care home for a temporary stay. If your property is taken into account, you will usually have more than the limit for getting local authority assistance.

The local authority may assist you under the ‘deferred payments’ scheme agreement.

You will always be left with a weekly amount for your own use called a Personal Allowance. This amounts to £30.15 per week.

Financial assessment

The financial assessment takes into account any income and capital you have. If you have savings of more than £23,250 in your own right or joint savings with a partner/spouse of more than £46,500, then you will not be entitled to any financial assistance and you will be asked to pay the full cost of the care home.

If you have capital between £14,250 and £23,250 the financial assessment will determine a contribution that you can afford to pay. Savings below £14,250 will not be included in the financial assessment. These income limits are set by central government.

The amount we ask you to contribute will depend on your income (including benefits) and capital, such as savings and any other assets you own such as property (including your home).

After your financial assessment is completed, we will let you know how much (if any) financial assistance you are eligible for and how much of your own money you will need to contribute, towards the cost of your care. A yearly review of the amount you pay will also be carried out when benefits change.

If your circumstances change you should contact the financial assessments team who will check that you are paying the right amount.

You can refuse to have a financial assessment. However, if you don't you will be classed as a self-funder and will be expected to pay the maximum contribution towards the cost of your care, regardless of your financial circumstances.

If, in the future, your savings and assets drop and you need help paying your bills, we will carry out a new assessment to find out if you qualify for financial help from the council.

Your home may have to be included in the means test

If the property is your main and only home, it won't be taken into account in the financial assessment if:

  • If you need temporary or respite care only.
  • Your home is still occupied by your spouse or partner or sometimes in certain other circumstances and your stay in a care home is permanent.

If your property is going to be included in the financial assessment, we ignore it for the first 12 weeks of your care. This is to give you time to decide what to do with your property, for example whether to enter into the deferred payment scheme.

Deferred Payment Scheme

The deferred payment scheme is an arrangement with the council that will enable some people to use the value of their property to pay for their care costs. If you are eligible, you will enter a legal agreement where the Council will assist you to pay the care home fees and you can delay repayment until you sell your home, or until after your death.

We will charge fees for setting up this arrangement and also a small amount of interest on the amount owed.

Third Party Top Up

Your family or a friend may wish to pay for more expensive accommodation for you, for example a larger room, or a garden view. Where a family member or friend wishes to pay towards your care, this is called aThird Party Top-Up Payment.

Non-payment of contributions

The council has a debt recovery policy which is implemented if you do not pay your charges for four weeks. Non-payment may result in court action.

If you think the contribution you have been asked to pay is unfair, you can also submit an appeal.

How to appeal

You can send your appeal in writing to:

Financial Assessments Team
Revenue and Payments
Riverside House
Main Street
S60 1AE

We will write to you to acknowledge your appeal and send details of the appeals procedure. You can also request a copy of the appeals procedure online.

Independent financial advice

You should always seek independent financial advice regarding your long term funding options for your care and support costs.