Paying for Adult Care Services

Funding your own care in a care home

If you do not qualify for financial assistance, then you must pay the whole amount of your care home fees yourself. This is sometimes called ‘self-funding’.

Even if you don’t qualify for financial assistance, you are still entitled to a Care Act assessment from us. This would help you to decide what kind of care will best meet your needs. We would be able to provide you with advice and guidance and help you to deal with any concerns you are having with your care provider.  

We can provide welfare benefits advice to help claim disability benefits and possible pension credit which you may be entitled to even in permanent care.

If you self-fund when your capital nears the upper capital limit (£23,250), you need to ask us for an assessment of your care needs and to see if you are now eligible for financial assistance. If the care home costs more than the council expects to pay, we would assist with re-negotiating the rate payable. However, it may be necessary to find a third party to make up the difference. If none is available you may need to move to a cheaper care home. 

If you move into a care home in a different council’s area from where you lived before and have been funding your own care, the council in the area you now live is usually responsible for assisting you if you become entitled to financial support.  

We also offer a deferred payment scheme for people whose care needs are met in a care home setting but own a property. If you are eligible, you can receive a loan to pay part of your care costs which is not repayable until you sell your home, or until after your death.

Deferred Payments

We strongly recommend that you seek independent financial advice and you should maintain ongoing communication with your financial advisor so that you are aware of your financial position.