Selective Licensing 1 May 2020 to April 2025

Public Notice of declaration of selective licensing areas

Rotherham Council
Housing Act 2004 - Section 80
Designation of six areas for selective licensing

Notice is hereby given that on 31st January 2020 Rotherham Council acting as local housing authority in exercise of its powers under Section 80 of the Housing Act 2004 has designated six areas of Rotherham, (“the Areas”) for selective licensing. The areas under the Designation are in Eastwood / Town Centre, Masbrough, Maltby South East, Dinnington, Thurcroft and Parkgate as detailed on plans accompanying the Designation. The Designation shall come into effect on 1st May 2020.

The Designations were made under The Housing Act 2004: Licensing of Houses in Multiple Occupation and Selective Licensing of Other Residential accommodation (England) General Approval 2010, pursuant to section 82, of the Housing Act 2004, and unless revoked under section 84 of the Act shall expire on 30th April 2025.

If you are a landlord, managing agent, or a tenant within any of the Areas, or if you require any further information or general advice regarding this designation, or to apply for a licence, please contact the Council’s Community Protection Unit online at: Mandatory HMO Licensing and Selective Licensing

By email:

By telephone: 01709 822620

Or by writing to:

Community Protection Unit
Riverside House
Main Street
S60 1AE

Applications for licences can be obtained and the Designations may be inspected, at the above address during office hours. Any private landlord, person managing or tenant within any of the Areas is advised to seek advice from the Council on whether their property is affected by the designation.

Any person who without reasonable excuse, has control of or manages a house in any of the Areas which is required to be licensed but which is not will be guilty of an offence and liable on conviction to a fine and rent repayment orders. As an alternative to prosecution, the Council may issue a monetary penalty of up to £30,000.

Application forms are available at the website below and can be submitted now.

Riverside House
Main Street
S60 1AE

Telephone: 01709 822620



Dated: 24th January 2020

By order of the council

Bal Nahal, Head of Legal Services

Rotherham Council
Riverside House
Main Street
S60 1AE

Landlord Information For Managing ASB