The last decade has been a very challenging time for councils across the country, and sadly Rotherham has been no exception to that rule, having to make cuts and savings of over £200m to our Annual Budget since 2010. As prices have risen for households, the Council has faced the same pressures.
This year's increase of 1.5% in general council tax plus 2% through the government's Adult Social Care Levy is expected to be the lowest increase of any council in Yorkshire. This will be the fifth successive year when our increase has been below the government's referendum cap threshold, saving a Band D household nearly £200 over that time.
Even more in these tough times, we want to support Rotherham residents. So including use of the levy we can support an additional £7.5 million of additional funding to support Adult Social Care services for our residents who rely on them.
And because of the choices we have made we are able to do more this year to support families. We will put more money into Children's Centres and youth work, creating hundreds more sessions for children and families right across the borough. We will invest in new children's play areas, and in renovating the water splash at Clifton Park. By also rolling out baby packs to every new family we'll make sure no Rotherham child starts life without the essentials.
Moreover, we are prioritising the services that everyone benefits from. That means an additional £16 million over the next four years for road and pavement resurfacing, more staff and kit to help keep our streets clean, cracking down on litter and fly-tipping with tougher fines and slashing the cost of household bulky waste collections.
By making those choices now, we can do our bit to make our community the best place it can be for the future.
Councillor Chris Read
Leader of Rotherham Borough Council