Your Council Tax Guide

How the Council Spends Its Net Revenue Budget in 2024/25

Directorate £m
Adult Care, Housing and Public Health


Children and Young People's Service 65.060
Regeneration and Enviroment Services 54.825
Finance and Customer Services 21.349
Assistant Chief Executive's 7.280
Central Services 55.444
Total Net Budget 326.054

The proposed Central Services budget (£55.4m) shown in the table above includes the following key budgets and provisions: Levies – Integrated Transport Authority, Coroners, Environment Agency, Apprentice (£13.3m), Capital Financing (£21.6m), PFI Grants (cr £3.8m), Use of Treasury Management Reserve to support Budget (cr £4.2), Inflation provisions for pay, price, fees, and charges (£26.5m).