Your Council Tax Guide

How this Year's Budget Compares to Last Year's Budget

Budget 2023/24   Budget 2024/25
Gross spending £m Income £m Net spending £m   Gross spending £m Income £m Net spending £m
456.93 166.65 290.28 Council Services 494.22 180.11 314.11
10.38 0.00 10.38 South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority Transport Levy 10.59 0.00 10.59
1.52 0.00 1.52 Other Levies etc, 1.35 0.00 1.35
468.83 166.65 302.18 Cost of services 506.16 180.11 326.05
Non Council Tax Borne Sevices
96.90 96.90 0.00 Housing 104.70 104.70 0.00
565.73 263.55 302.18 RMBC Total Expenditure


284.81 326.05