How we worked out your Council Tax
2023/24 £'m |
2024/25 £'m |
Amount for each person in 2024/25 (based on population of 268,354) |
The Councils Net Revenue Budget | 302.184 | 326.054 | 1,215.01 |
Business Rate Top Up and other Grants | 35.337 | 37.464 | 139.61 |
17.654 |
18.824 | 70.14 |
Public Health Grant | 18.930 | 18.142 | 67.60 |
Other Government Grants | 46.815 |
57.624 |
214.73 |
Retained Business Rates | 54.346 | 58.657 | 218.58 |
Collection Fund Surplus | 2.500 | 3.000 | 11.18 |
Total Funding | 175.582 | 193.711 | 721.84 |
Council Tax Requirement (£m) | 126.602 | 132.343 | 493.17 |
Council Tax Base for Rotherham Council | 72,149 | 72,871 | |
BAND D EQUIVALENT RMBC (£) | 1,754.73 | 1,816.15 | |
Add: South Yorkshire Police & Crime Commissioner (£) |
17,174,346 | 18,293,410 | 68.17 |
BAND D EQUIVALENT SPCC (£) | 238.04 | 251.04 | |
Add: South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Authority (£) |
5,958,337 | 6,197,636 | 23.10 |
BAND D EQUIVALENT SYFRA (£) | 82.58 | 85.05 | |
GRAND TOTAL BAND D EQUIVALENT (£) | 2,075.35 | 2,152.24 |