Educating your child at home

Elective Home Education Support

Elective Home Education support is available to all school age children in Rotherham. This includes children who are educated at home.

Rotherham's Children's Public Health Nursing Service (0-19) 

Most children, young people and families in Rotherham thrive with access to universal services such as GP’s or school, but some families may need to access additional short-term support to address a specific problem, or may require more intensive, longer-term support, when experiencing increasingly complex issues. Families can self-refer to Rotherham’s Early Help Service for advice and support.

Early Help

The law around child employment is the same for home educated children. Children cannot be employed if they are under age 13. Children of school age must have permission from the Council to work. There are also other legal restrictions on employing children

Find out about child employment