Mr Christopher Collison BA (Hons),MBA, MRTPI, MIED, IHBC has been appointed to conduct the examination of the Maltby Neighbourhood Plan and publish a report with recommendations.
Examination news and documents
The Examiner has written to Rotherham Borough Council and Wickersley Parish Council setting out how the examination will be conducted. The letter is available below:
Examiners initial letter
The examiner has completed the independent examination of the Maltby Neighbourhood developement plan examination.
Draft Neighbourhood Plan and supporting documents.
Rotherham Borough Council undertook a consultation on the submission documents (as required b Regulations16 of The Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended)) between 10 September and 25 October 2021. A statement of representation procedure was published setting out the documents submitted by the qualifying body, where they could be inspected, and how comments could be submitted.
30th March 2023 Maltby Town Council submitted the Maltby Neighbourhood Plan (MPN) to Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council.
These files may not be suitable for users of assistive technology.
- Maltby Neighbourhood Plan (MNP) 2017-2028
- MNP Basic Conditions Statement
- MNP Consultation Statement
- MNP Strategic Environmental Assessment Screening and Habitats Regulation Assessment Screening Report
- MNP Design Code
- MNP Masterplan Report
- Maltby Ward Profile
- Maltby Parish Census 2011 Profile
- MNP Supporting Evidence - Housing Need and Characteristics Study
- MNP Supporting Evidence - Hot Food Takeaways
- MNP Supporting Evidence - Maltby Character Buildings of Local Heritage Interest
Download the legal compliance decision letter
The Representations received are:
Please note MNP2 and MNP10 were not valid entries.
The independent examination of the Maltby Neighbourhood Developement Plan was completed on 15 November 2023.
The full report can be found below: