Ward Housing Hub Suggestion Form

Please use this form to put forward your suggestions for how money should be spent on projects in your ward. Project suggestions can be submitted by Council tenants. The projects must be linked to the management and maintenance of the Councils homes and estates, support tenants to live in their homes longer and improve service to tenants. They also need to have a positive long-term benefit.

The project needs to meet the following criteria:

The Ward Housing Hubs is a budget from the HRA (Housing Revenue Accounts). The budget can only be spent on environmental improvements that will benefit Council Housing estates or mixed tenure estates where the majority of Council tenants will benefit. The project needs to have a positive long-term benefit and must meet the Ward priorities and meet the needs of any equality groups that the project will impact on. Each project must be sustainable (permanent such as fencing or lighting) and able contribute to the reduction of crime and/or the fear of crime, anti-social behaviour, or general environmental improvements.

Please see below some examples of what projects the Ward Housing Hubs can fund:

  • Security fencing - to stop access
  • Parking bollards in problem parking areas
  • Security lighting
  • Planting areas
  • Playgrounds on Housing Land
  • Security planting - to an area
  • Community notice boards/benches
  • Motorbike/cycle barriers
  • Signage

The following are projects that the WHH cannot fund:

  • Any projects that cannot be proven to be of benefit to Council Tenants
  • Projects based on privately owned land/grounds including Parish Council
  • Projects where only one tenant benefits from the project

If you need any support completing this form, or want to ask questions about project suggestions, then please contact the Tenant Involvement Team by calling on (01709) 822100 or by emailing customerinvolvement@rotherham.gov.uk