Tables of indicators: Table E: Managing the Natural and Historic Environment
Performance Key:
Improving / On Target = ↑ Declining / Not on Target = ↓ No Change / No Update = ↔
Table E: Managing the Natural and Historic Environment
CS19: Green Infrastructure
Number of new green infrastructure projects developed
No target set
This indicator to be developed.
Current Performance:
No data
No Change / No Update
CS19: Green Infrastructure
Number of parks with a Green Flag award
Target of 1 Country Parks / Urban Parks
RMBC Green Spaces. Ulley
Country Park, Greasbrough Park and Clifton Park maintained
Green Flag status with the addition of Rother Valley Country
Park for 2021
Current Performance:
No change in (Target achieved)
No Change / No Update
CS20: Biodiversity / Geodiversity
Condition of Sites of Special
Scientific Interest (SSSI's) in the borough
Reach national target
National target is to reach 95% favourable (or unfavourable
recovering) - Natural England.
Target is being met locally.
Current Performance:
Natural England data shows SSSI coverage of 147.9ha, of which
76.5% favourable, 20.8% unfavourable recovering and 2.7% unfavourable declining or no change.
No Change / No Update
CS20: Biodiversity / Geodiversity
Changes in areas of biodiversity
Proportion of sites of importance to biodiversity and geodiversity that are in positive management
Government Core output indicator - Local Wildlife System
Current Performance:
In 2020 37 of 120 local sites (30%) are in positive management
(increase from 2014 baseline of 26%)
Improving / On Target
CS21: Landscape
Amount of land covered by woodland
Increase the percentage of area in the borough covered by
South Yorkshire Forest figures (SYF partnership now ended)
Current Performance:
3,053 ha; 10.63% of the borough
(no update from previous years provided / available)
No Change / No Update
CS21: Landscape
Amount of land covered by environment stewardship
Increase the area of land under environmental management
Natural England agri-environment scheme
Current Performance:
Environmental Stewardship schemes covering 5,110.61 ha (as per NE data 2020) - increase from 2017 baseline of 3,379 ha.
Improving / On Target
CS22: Green Space
Proportion of population living within easy walking distance of
green spaces meeting defined
quality standards
To be set
Green Spaces Strategy
Current Performance:
Currently not able to measure but is included within the Green
Spaces Strategy. May consider replacing with different measure in future.
No Change / No Update
CS22: Green Space
Net gains / losses in green space provision
To be set
Indicator to be developed
Current Performance:
No data, system required to measure to be put in place
No Change / No Update
CS23: Valuing the historic environment
Number of designated heritage assets on the Historic England
"Heritage at Risk Register"
Reduce number of designated assets on the "Heritage at Risk
Historic England
Current Performance:
Of the 16 Grade I and 38 Grade II* listed buildings in Rotherham, 3 have been designated as 'at risk' by Historic England (decrease of 2 from last year). From 2014 all heritage assets now shown - 8 Scheduled Ancient Monuments and 3 Conservation Areas are also deemed to be at risk. |
No Change / No Update
CS23: Valuing the historic environment
Listed buildings and Ancient Monuments lost to development
None to be lost to development
As per Historic England
Current Performance:
Total of 533. [16 Grade I, 38 Grade II* and 469 Grade II]; 37 Scheduled Ancient Monuments. Increase of 9.
No Change / No Updat
CS24: Conserving and enhancing the Water Environment
Number of planning applications granted contrary to advice of the
Environment Agency on flood defence or water quality grounds
None to be granted against sustained EA advice
Government Core output indicator (see also policy CS25)
No objections on water quality received.
Current Performance:
None granted against sustained EA advice.
No Change / No Updat
CS24: Conserving and enhancing the Water Environment
Percentage of river length in
Rotherham assessed as being of good quality
Yearly improvement in the percentage of river length of
'good' ecology status
New baseline - 2014 data for the Water Framework Directive = 0% (87% is moderate) as advised by Environment Agency.
Current Performance:
2016 figure (2013-15 data) = 16.8% 'good' quality, 74.1% moderate, 9.1% poor. EA advice updated only periodically.
No Change / No Update
CS25: Dealing with Flood Risk
Number of planning applications granted contrary to advice of the
Environment Agency on flood defence or water quality grounds
None to be granted against sustained EA advice
Government Core output indicator (see also policy CS24)
Current Performance:
Performance on this indicator shown under Policy CS24
CS26: Minerals
Production of primary and secondary / recycled aggregates
Maintain a supply of aggregate minerals to contribute to the regional and sub-regional demand
Government Core output indicator
Current Performance:
Not available for Rotherham alone - commercially confidential data.
NPPF requires that a landbank of at least 10 years for crushed rock should be maintained. The 2019 Local Aggregate Assessment (based on 2018 data) showed that the landbank in 2018 stood well above this figure, at 31.4 years. 2019 data is unavailable as the 2020 Local Aggregate Assessment is delayed due to the national Aggregate Minerals Survey 2019 taking place.
No Change / No Update