Local Development Scheme
Core Strategy DPD Partial Update
Supplementary Planning Documents
- The Local Plan is made up of a portfolio of local development documents. These include Development Plan Documents (DPDs) that are subject to independent examination which, when adopted, form Rotherham's statutory development plan. Others are supporting Supplementary Planning Documents together with the Local Development Scheme (the project plan and programme) and Statement of Community Involvement (the public participation strategy) for the Local Plan process.
- The Local Development Scheme (LDS) sets out the programme and details for the Local Plan. It was last updated and approved in January 2020. This confirms the current programme of DPDs as follows:
- Core Strategy DPD Partial Update
- Progress in the preparation of the above document during the 2022/23 financial year covered by this report is set out below along with the work which has begun on preparing a series of Supplementary Planning Documents. The latest timetable for future consultation on Local Plan documents is available on our website at www.rotherham.gov.uk/local-plan
Core Strategy DPD Partial Update
- The Core Strategy was 5 years old in September 2019 and, as required by legislation, a review of the Local Plan Core Strategy was undertaken to assess whether some or all of it may need updating. The review indicated that, although the Core Strategy continues to be broadly up to date and complies with requirements set out in national planning policy, a number of areas require an update. The Local Development Scheme sets out the timescale for, and broad scope of, the partial update of the Core Strategy and this work is underway. Progress has been delayed by the Covid-19 pandemic and ongoing resource constraints.
Supplementary Planning Documents
- Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) provide additional detail and guidance to support policies in the Local Plan. Once adopted, they are a material consideration which can be taken into account when determining planning applications. Priority has been given to preparing guidance which supports the delivery of new homes and other development, and updating existing guidance regularly used when considering and determining planning applications. The following SPDs were published for consultation in late 2019 and subsequently adopted by the Council in June 2020:
- Householder Design Guide
- Development in the Green Belt
- Equal and Healthy Communities
- Town Centre Uses and Developments
- Air Quality and Emissions
- Shop Front Design Guide
Further Supplementary Planning Documents were consulted on during 2020 and subsequently adopted in June 2021:
- Affordable Housing
- Development Viability
- Community Facilities
- Natural Environment
- Transport Assessments Travel Plans and Parking Standards
Further SPDs were consulted on in late 2022 and subsequently adopted in July 2023:
- Developer Contributions SPD
- Biodiversity Net Gain +10% SPD
- Trees SPD
- Preparing a Soils Strategy SPD
- Development in the Green Belt SPD (revised)
Community Infrastruction Levy (CIL)
- The Council adopted its CIL in December 2016 with implementation of the CIL Charging Schedule commencing on 3 July 2017. Reporting on CIL income and the proportion passed to parish councils is now contained in the separate Infrastructure Funding Statement, published annually in December and available on the Council’s website at www.rotherham.gov.uk/cil