Annual Monitoring Report

Tables of indicators: Table A: Delivering Development in Sustainable Locations

Performance Key:

Improving / On Target = ↑  Declining / Not on Target = ↓ No Change / No Update = ↔

Table A : Delivering Development in Sustainable Locations


CS1: Delivering Rotherham's

Spatial Strategy

Percentage of new development within the Rotherham Urban Area Encourage development in main urban areas in line with  apportionment's by settlement type.

Target of 38% within Rotherham Urban area (26% + 12% from Bassingthorpe Farm). Completion percentage above target for RUA

(Bassingthorpe yet to start being developed pending master-planning work)

Current Performance: Target / apportionment for 2022/23 = 30.2 % of housing within Rotherham Urban Area excluding Bassingthorpe Farm (259 of 858 gross completions). Below target but an increase on the previous year.

Improving / On Target

CS1: Delivering Rotherham's

Spatial Strategy

Percentage of new development within the defined Principal Settlements for Growth Encourage development in defined settlements - 24% (Dinnington/Anston/Laughton Common + Wath/Brampton/West Melton + Bramley/Wickersley/Ravenfield Common) Core Strategy target of 24% in these settlements. Below target and fall on previous year.
Current Performance: For 2022/23, 11.4% of housing within the three defined Principal Settlements for Growth (98 of 858 gross completions, increase on previous year

Improving / On Target

CS2: Delivering development on Major Sites To be decided To be set Any monitoring indicator to be determined - master planning work required re bringing forward strategic allocation at Bassingthorpe Farm, broad locations for growth and other major sites as identified in chapter five of the Sites and Policies Document
Current Performance: N/A

No change/ No update available

CS3: Location of new development Percentage of dwellings on previously developed land Maximise the amount of new housing which is built on previously developed land. No actual target as this will become more difficult in future years as available brownfield sites diminish and new sites come forward. However, a very good performance for last year.
Current Performance: Of the 858 new builds in 2022/23 - 583 or 68% were built on previously developed land.

Improving / On Target

CS3: Location of new development Accessibility to a range of places using public transport Ensure that new housing is within easy reach of services by public transport Indicator from South Yorkshire Local Transport Plan (LTP3)
Current Performance:


Not yet available

No change/ No update available

CS4: Green Belt Extent of Green Belt Maintain general etxent of the Green Belt (none to be lost to developement)  
Current Performance: None lost during the year

No change/ No update available

CS4: Green Belt Planning permission granted on Green Belt No planning permission to be granted for inappropriate use. 6 permissions created 9 new dwellings (2 demolitions and replacement with 5 new builds,4 conversions).
Current Performance: None granted for inappropriate use during the year.

Improving / On Target

CS5:Safegaurding Land Planning permission granted on safeguarded land No planning permission to be granted for an inappropriate use. Safeguarded land in adopted DPD for possible longer-term use
Current Performance: Safeguarded land has been identified in the adopted Sites and Policies Local Plan - no planning permissions granted.

No change/ No update available