Table F: Infrastructure and Implementation
Performance Key:
Improving / On Target = ↑ Declining / Not on Target = ↓ No Change / No Update = ↔
CS32: Infrastructure Delivery and Developer Contributions
Infrastructure list, CIL and S106 monitoring and reporting now being undertaken in the separate annual Infrastructure Funding Statement.
Infrastructure Funding Statement published December 2020. Infrastructure Delivery Study update published March 2021.
CS33: Presumption in Favour of Sustainable Development
Monitoring indicator(s) to be determined - refer to SA/IIA indicators.
CS34: Housing Delivery and
On-going Co-operation
The Council along with neighbouring Sheffield City Council, has produced a Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA) for the entire housing market area,.
2015/16 - Work with Sheffield City Council on the production of a joint SHMA and was completed and formed part of the evidence base for the Sites and Policies DPD examination.
2018 - A further SHMA was co-commissioned by Sheffield City Council and Rotherham MBC and the results and final report completed in 2019. Joint SHMA with Sheffield completed.
Housing Land Supply Monitoring Report was produced in 2019 and an update to 2022 will be published in 2024 to support local plan review work.