Annual Monitoring Report

Table F: Creating Safe and Sustainable Communities.

Performance Key:

Improving / On Target = ↑  Declining / Not on Target = ↓ No Change / No Update = ↔

Table F : Creating Safe and Sustainable Communities

CS27: Community Health &
Air Quality - harmful emissions measured in the Air Quality
Management Areas (AQMAs)
Reduce emissions - nitrogen dioxide annual mean.
As reported in Corporate Plan - figure in micrograms per m3 for 2010 will be used as the baseline figure (34)
Current Performance:
5 AQMAs in Rotherham. Based on annual average (mean) of
Rotherham’s automatic monitoring sites in 2020 = 26 micrograms per m3. (2019 = 36 micrograms per m3). Decrease from 2010 baseline (34) and decrease from previous year’s figure (36).
Improving / On Target
CS27: Community Health & Safety
CO2 emissions
Reduction in CO2 emissions per head - see Policy CS30
Performance shown in CS30
Current Performance:
See Renewable Energy Policy CS30
CS28: Sustainable Design
Density of completed dwellings
- % completed at <30, 30 to 50,
>50 dwellings per hectare
Avoid development of less than 30 dph
See also Policy CS7 Housing Mix and Affordability
Current Performance:
2022/23: <30 = 24.5%%, 30 to 50 = 55.1%, >50 = 20.4% 
No Change / No Update
CS28: Sustainable Design
Housing Quality - Building for Life assessments
Increase proportion of new builds
reaching standards against the
Building for Life Criteria
Government Core output indicator - Assessment of new developments against the
Current Performance:
BFL20 now discontinued. BFL12 traffic light system introduced purely for pre-app discussions (unable to monitor actual applications).
No Change / No Update
CS28: Sustainable Design
Percentage of non residential floorspace (schemes including at least 500m2 floorspace) granted planning permission that achieves or exceeds the required levels against BREEAM.
Increase the number of developments that meet the
Assessment of new developments against the
Current Performance:
Schemes not always assessed / not enforced. Consider removing / replacing this indicator in future reports.
No Change / No Update
CS29: Community and Social
Monitoring indicator(s) to be determined. SPD adopted in June 2021. In the future could assess the number of applications submitted and lost to other uses.
CS30: Low Carbon and
Renewable Energy Generation
Renewable energy generation in the year
Increase renewable energy generation year on year in the borough (36Mw by 2021).
Government Core output indicator
Current Performance:

Large scale: 70Mw already granted (not all in operation but well on target), a large increase due to the new Biomass plant at the former Firth Rixson works Templeborough now in operation (output of 41Mw) No large-scale schemes granted planning permission in 2021/22.

Small scale: 5,407 installations of photovoltaic (solar) cells across the borough in period Apr 2010 to Mar 2019 [Source: Dep for BEIS]

Following the closure of the Government Feed-in-Tariff scheme in March 2019, data is no longer available.

No Change / No Update






















CS30: Low Carbon and
Renewable Energy Generation
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emissions per capita
Reduce overall CO2 emissions per head
Previously NI186 CO2 emissions within the scope of influence of local authorities.
Current Performance:

2021 data: 1048.25 kt CO2, 3.94 t CO2 per capita

Worse than revised local authority emissions statistics for 2020:

1015.24 kt CO2 and 3.79 t CO2 per capita, respectively
Improving / On Target
CS31: Mixed Use Areas
Monitoring indicator(s) to be determined
Waste Management - Policies in the joint Waste DPD for
Rotherham, Barnsley &
Capacity of new waste management facilities in the
Increase recovery capacity in line with borough needs
; Government Core output
Current Performance:
Joint Waste DPD adopted and the construction for new waste management facilities completed in 2015 and now fully operational.
Improving / On Target
Waste Management
Amount of waste arising and managed by type
Reduce landfill and reduce total municipal waste
Government Core output indicator (household waste
former NI192, municipal waste former NI193). Household and
municipal waste to landfill have both decreased significantly over the year.
Current Performance:
Percentage of household waste sent for reuse, recycling or composting in 2021/22 = 45.00% [43.39% in 2020/21.] Reduction mainly due to introduction of a chargeable garden waste collection service. Increase due mainly to improved recycling since COVID and improvement in processing sites efficiency.

(2021/22 Further 38.06% used to recover heat, power & other energy sources; 0.6% of HOUSEHOLD sent to landfill.) (2020/21 was 39.58% used to recover heat, power & other energy sources; 1.32% sent to landfill.)

Percentage of municipal waste sent to landfill = 0.6% [1.32%. in 2020/21
Improving / On Target