Annual Monitoring Report

Monitoring Framework

  1. It is important that targets are specific and grounded in reality and are not vague and aspirational. Indeed, targets should be "SMART" (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound). The AMR needs to consider process targets (progress in achieving the LDS programme), policy targets (thresholds for change to be achieved by policies over a specific period) and sustainability appraisal targets (measuring the contribution of policies to sustainability).
  2. Three types of indicator are relevant to the Local Plan
  • Contextual indicators – describing the broad social, environmental and economic baseline background of Rotherham and providing a backdrop to develop spatial policies and to inform the interpretation of output and significant effects indicators.
  • Output indicators – comprise core and local indicators informing spatial planning policy progress and achievement.
    • Core indicators – Following abolition of the Regional Spatial Strategy the requirement for measuring these 'Core Indicators' has ceased but there remain some indicators which central government requires all authorities to monitor. Some have also been carried forward as they are considered to remain relevant to Rotherham.
    • Local indicators – the choice of these depends on local circumstances and issues. For the purposes of this Annual Monitoring Report the choice of local indicators in the tables has been governed by the current availability and quality of relevant data from established sources and in aligning with the Corporate Plan. Local indicators will be developed incrementally reflecting the evolving monitoring framework as new policies are prepared, practical experience is gained and as improved data capture and management systems are developed.
  • Significant effect indicators – informing the impact of policies on sustainability. The selection of indicators is closely linked to those having been developed for the Local Plans Sustainability Appraisal process as set out in the supporting Scoping Report.
  1. To reflect the adoption of the Core Strategy which incorporates work carried out on the development of the strategic policies designed to achieve the Plan's objectives, this AMR has grouped the indicators under seven broad themes of:
  • Delivering development in sustainable locations
  • Creating mixed and attractive places to live
  • Supporting a dynamic economy
  • Movement and accessibility
  • Managing the natural and historic environment
  • Creating safe and sustainable communities
  • Infrastructure
  1. Under each broad aim / heading indicators are further grouped by the particular policy area - in total 34 Core Strategy policies which support the 17 strategic objectives.
  2. All indicators will, wherever possible, be updated on an annual basis. However, for some indicators, in particular local indicators, it may not be cost effective or feasible to collect on a yearly basis – e.g. repeating surveys every year. This is in-line with Government advice which confirms that some qualitative indicators can be gathered less frequently, although these should be balanced where possible with indicators more readily monitored on an annual basis.
  3. The Council has included within the Core Strategy a monitoring and implementation section which identifies the Annual Monitoring Report as the main mechanism for assessing the Local Plan’s performance and effectiveness. Whilst the indicators are based around national guidance on monitoring and include the key Local Plan Core Output Indicators as currently specified by Central Government data requirements, other national indicators have been abolished and / or greatly reduced which has reduced the availability of previously available national datasets.
  4. The Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA) prepared to accompany the Core Strategy summarises the IIA and statutory SEA monitoring recommendations specific to the Core Strategy. In addition, section 17.3 (page 111 in volume 3) of the IIA, prepared to accompany the adopted Sites and Policies June 2018, summarises the IIA and statutory SEA monitoring recommendations specific to the Local Plan, including the Sites and Policies Document. The IIA states that “Such monitoring may require a change in the way that planning application and / or building control data is collected and collated to meet this statutory obligation. Monitoring the need to update the Infrastructure Delivery Study (2012) and the future delivery of infrastructure is essential.”
  5. Details of the recommended additional indicators and the current position with regards to the ability to monitor these are shown in the table below:
SA Theme Indicator Indicator not directly revevant to the delivery of the policy Indicator(or a similar indicator) is not measured in the AMR or other monitoring report prepared by Planning Policy Team Data Unavaliable or no longer monitored Insuficient resources avaliable to monitor this indicator and to collect data Monitoring already undertaken by another team  within the council Monitoring already undertaken by other organisation external to the council Indicator could be measured in future AMR's from 2019 onwards (following adoption of the Local Plan Comments
Population and Equalilty Number of accessibility and community infrastructure/service/facility complaints pertaining to new developements





Number of housing completions and demolitions  


percentage of housing mix by size/tenure  


Affordable housing completions  


community halls/ centres with rooms avaliable      
Health and Wellbeing Propoption of househoulds within 30,60,90 minutes travel time of key services and facilities,such as Pharmacies,doctor's surgeries,and/or hospital.        
Capacity of (or waiting times at doctors surgeries and/or hospital      


Number of trips per person by transport mode: walking and cycling,private motor vehicles,and public transport and taxis    
Proportion of households wintin 30,60,90 minutes travel time threshold of key services and facilities,such as corner shops,supermarkets,post offices, pharmacies and docotors and/or hospitals    


Education and Skills Proportion of people aged 16-74 within 30,60,90 minute travek tune threshold of education/further education facilities by public transport    


precentage of schools which are over capacity        


Economy and Employment Location of jobs in proximity to residents    
Number of vacant businesses in town and local centres  
Number of new retail and other commercial developements approved  
Transportation and Carbon Emmisions Number onew developements approved contary to highways officer advice      
Numober of developements within 1km of motorway/trunk road junction      
IMD'geographic barriers' rating at site for approved developements      
Number of developement supported by high quality  Inter-settlement bus,train or other public transport routes      
Percentage of trips(by journey types) per person per transport mode:walking and cycling,private motor vehicles,and public transport and taxis.  
Number of planning application for renewable micro-renewabless and successful installations  
Number of installed megawatts of renewable energy capacity  
Average Standard Assessement Procedure (SAP) rating of housing  
Developement meeting Code for Sustainable Homes(CfSH) and Buildings Research Established Enviromental Assement Method (Bream) standards    
Number of new developements built to achieve carbon neutrality    
Biodiversity Number of developement schemes which are suppotepd by details over-wintering bird analysis in Golden Plover habitat areas      
Area of greenspaces and new green infrastucture provided by developements from the Local Plan      
Area of other new habitats provided by developements from the Local Plan      
Number of developement on greenfield sites      
Proportion of new developement on greenfield sites  
proportion of new developements in wildlife corridors    
Air Quality Number of developement within 1km of motorway/trunk road junctions      
IMD'geographical barriers'rating at sites for approved developements      
Number of developements supported by high-quality inter-settlement bus,train or other public transport routes      
Number of developements likely to impact on QAMAs(e.g house  to nearest services or employment centre)    
Water Resources Percentage of developements with Sustainable Drainage Systems(SuDS)      
Soills and Geology Percentage of new houses built on previously developed land per year  
area of soil lost to impermeable surfaces      
Area of contaminated land remediated      
Area of propsed new developement on greenfield sites  
Number of developments approved within adjacent to RIGS or LGGs      
Flood Risk Percemtage of new developement permitted in floodplains  
Number of developments built contray to Enviroment Agentcy (EA) advice  
Households registered for flood warnings as a percentage of total number of households at risk of flooding    
Waste and mineral resources Number of  grey water recycling scheme      
Number of new developemeents incorporating waste segregation/collection facilities into design    
proportion of aggregates used from secondary and recycled aggregates                
Number of buildings meeting particular CfSH and BREAMM standards    
Landscape & Townscape Numberm of developement schemes accompanied by detailed landscape design and improvements    
Number of developements built contray to Natural England advice      
Number of developements approved without landscape / townscape conditions      
Number of developement schemes accompanied by detailed master plans and public realm design      
Net addition / loss of TPO trees to new developement      
HIstoric Enviroment Number of Scheduled Monuments ,Listed buildings,Registered Parks and Garde and Conservation  Area subject to planning applications  
Number of achaelogical sites identified/discovered through planning proposal (Also number adversley affected)      
Number of designated sites sites adversley affected by planning proposals by type    
Number of designated on the 'building at risk ' register which are at risk of harm from air pollution    
  1. In future years therefore, the Council will review the indicators identified in the Core Strategy and the accompanying Local Plan Integrated Impact Assessments to:
  • Rationalise the indicators to ensure there is a single over-arching set of monitoring indicators for the Local Plan.
  • Determine the indicators that can currently be monitored; the level of detail that can be provided and the time-frame for monitoring the indicators; and provide a clear commentary in the AMR if required.
  • Where possible the monitoring of the Local Plan should use established datasets.
  • Where there is currently no information monitored or available to enable monitoring of the impact of the policy, consideration should be given to the use of proxy information.
  • Where the use of proxy indicators / information is not possible, the indicator should be listed in the AMR table with clear commentary as to the reasons for monitoring not being undertaken.