- One of the key Local Plan core output indicators that the Council is required to monitor relates to housing delivery. The NPPF requires local plans to include information on housing policy and performance, particularly in terms of net additional dwellings.
Completions and commitments
Completions (net) since 2013:
2021/22 * inclusive of small site backlog (428) |
1088 |
2022/23 |
858 |
Existing commitments at 31 March 2021:
Under construction
Full planning permission
Outline planning permission
Small sites (less than 10 dwellings) with planning permission x 70% (as per SHLAA methodology)
Site allocations remaining to 2028 (excluding allocated sites under construction/with permission)
- The commitment data pre-dates the annual Housing Land Supply (HLS) reports for 2019/20, 2020/21 and 2021/2022. In these circumstances there may be a change to the published figures included within this AMR when the data of the HLS report is finalised and published in 2024, to support the review of the local plan. Some data cleansing has taken place to ensure the final reported data is accurate. The Council was aware that the data for small site commitments required cleansing to determine if the site had been completed or was still an extant planning permission. This position was reported in Housing Flow Reconciliation data requests 2022/23 for Central Government monitoring purposes (September 2023).
- The housing need figure forms part of the Housing Delivery Test (HDT) calculation, which looks at housing delivery as a proportion of the requirement over a 3-year rolling period. From 2018/19 the HDT will use the local housing need figure as part of the need element of the calculation, and household projections alone will cease to form any part of the HDT calculation from November 2021/22. Local housing need is based on two factors – household projections and affordability ratios. The ratio is updated annually, and the 10-year period used to calculate household growth also moves annually. Therefore, the local housing need calculation will continue to change annually even though the same household projections continue to be used.
- The Housing Delivery Test is a percentage measurement of the number of net homes delivered against the number of homes required over a rolling three-year period. The test measures against the lower of the latest adopted housing requirement or the minimum annual local housing need figure which is based on Office for National Statistics household projections. The 2021 results for all local authorities were released in January 2022. Authorities which do not ‘pass’ the test – i.e. the percentage of new homes delivered falls below 95% of the homes required, are required to produce and publish an action plan to explain how they will rectify the shortfall. For 2022 Rotherham passed the test:
Number of Homes Required |
Total Required |
Number of Homes Delivered |
Total delivered |
2019/20 |
2020/21 |
2021/22 |
2019/20 |
2020/21 |
2021/22 |
2022 |
HD:2022 Consequence |
532 |
377 |
554 |
1,463 |
556 |
566 |
1,090 |
2,212 |
151% |
None |
- Having passed the test, no further action is required by the Council.
- Rotherham’s Local Plan Core Strategy was 5 years’ old in September 2019 so is no longer ‘up to date’. A review of the Local Plan is underway and will reflect the national methodology for determining local housing need.
- For the purposes of preparing this Annual Monitoring Report 2023, the Council is reporting on progress against the output indicators to 31 March 2023; therefore this section of the AMR reviews progress against the Housing Delivery Test target, until such time as an updated Core Strategy with a new housing target is adopted by the Council..