Annual Monitoring Report

Tables of indicators: Table C: Supporting a Dynamic Economy

Performance Key:

Improving / On Target = ↑  Declining / Not on Target = ↓ No Change / No Update = ↔

Table C : Supporting a Dynamic Economy

CS9: Transforming
Rotherham's economy
New business registration rate
Increase the number of start-up businesses in Rotherham
From ONS business demography dataset. Data released in arrears so relates to previous year / period.
Current Performance:

2022 = 54.04 business births per 10,000 adult population

(Up on 2021 53.14, 2020 51.5, slightly down on 2019 55.42, but up from 44.7 in 2017, 57.8 in 2016, 52.5 in 2015).
Improving / On Target
CS9: Transforming
Rotherham's economy
Vacancy rate for industrial and commercial property
Aim for a high occupancy on all industrial areas in the borough but
with sufficient vacant units to allow for choice and 'churn' in the marketplace.
RMBC industrial estates survey.
Historical rates (8.8% in 2016,
8.1% in 2015, 10.9% in 2014, 10.4% in 2013, 11.8% in 2012 and 13.8% end of 2011).
Current Performance:
Survey at end of 2022 shows vacancy rate at 7.0%, an improvement on the previous year (8.1%) and remains below recent historical rates.
Improving / On Target
CS9: Transforming
Rotherham's economy
Overall employment rate in the borough
To close the gap to the regional and national averages
ONS Annual Population Survey data - Rotherham's employment rate has seen a fall over the last
year, relative position also worse
against regional and national rates over the last 12 months.
Current Performance:
At June 2022 employment rate at 73.9% (down from76.9 Mar 2021). (Gap to regional and national rates respectively at 0.8 and 1.6 June 2022).
Declining / Not on Targe
CS9: Transforming
Rotherham's economy
Amount of floorspace developed for employment by type
Increase employment floorspace and ensure availability of a variety of sites
RMBC Industrial Estates Survey -  Continuing increase in overall
floorspace, amount developed has
changed significantly on previous
year (37,979 sq m) 
Current Performance:
2020/21 = 46,735  sq m (B2 = 39,388 , plus other commercial of 7,347 sq m built on employment land, 0 loss to demolition)
Improving / On Target
CS9: Transforming
Rotherham's economy
Employment land available
To ensure sufficient for long-term development
Minimum of 5 years supply but also sufficient for longer-term.
Additional land allocated within the adopted Sites and Policies DPD for the longer term.
Current Performance:
Supply At 31/03/22 = 252.59 ha (5.33 ha developed in the year, a 2% increase due to land allocated at adoption of the Sites and Policies Local Plan)
Improving / On Target
CS9: Transforming
Rotherham's economy
 Employment land review undertaken
An ELR to be undertaken every 3 years to ensure requirements and suitability of sites are regularly maintained and reviewed.
Review undertaken in 2010, updated in 2015 jointly with
Current Performance:
Revised ELR undertaken in 2015 jointly with Sheffield as part of the evidence base supporting the Publication Sites & Policies DPD.
Subsequently a Sheffield City Region employment land study completed. Ongoing work to inform Core Strategy review.
No Change / No Update
CS10: Improving skills and employment opportunities
Percentage of working age population educated to at least
NVQ2+, NVQ3+, NVQ4+
Increase the minimum level of qualifications of the local workforce
Taken from ONS Annual Population Survey (December). Note that this is survey based data so subject to
some fluctuations (2018 shows a small increase at all levels)
Current Performance:
At December 2021: NVQ2+ = 72.9%, NVQ3+ = 54.1%%, NVQ4+ = 31.9% (Dec 20 figures at 78.8%, 57.5%, 34.0%)
No Change / No Update
CS11: Tourism and the visitor economy
Number of rural diversification schemes
Encourage an increase in rural diversification schemes in the borough.
Change of use measure
Current Performance:
No new schemes in 2021/2022; but COVID-19 pandemic has negatively impacted the tourism sector.
No Change / No Update
CS12: Managing change in Rotherham's Retail and
Service Centres
Vacancy rates in the borough's town and district centres
Reduce the number of empty properties across the main retail / service centres.
RMBC Town Centre Surveys (September 2019)
Current Performance:
Overall vacancy rates (based on units) across all defined town centres in the borough was 13.7 % in 2023, and 14.5 % in 2022. There has been a reduction of 0.8% in the percentage of overall vacancy rates.
(Rotherham town centre vacancy rates (based on units) in 2023 was 24.7% down from 27.4% in 2022, a difference of -2.7%). 
(Town centre vacancy rates (based on units) of all other town centres were 8.8% (2023) down from 8.8% (2022), there has been no change in the percentage.
Declining / Not on Target
CS12: Managing change in Rotherham's Retail and Service Centres
Amount of new floorspace in town and district centres
New retail floorspace to be encouraged in town centres,
discouraged in out of town locations
RMBC survey
Current Performance:
No significant new retail floorspace in any town centres or out of town during the year. 
No Change / No Update
CS13: Transforming
Rotherham Town Centre
Vacancy rate on primary shopping frontages in the town centre
Reduce the number of empty properties within Rotherham town
RMBC Town Centre Survey (September 2020) 
Current Performance:
Within the primary shopping frontages, the number of vacant units in 2023 was 24.4, down from 25.2% in 2022, floorspace vacancy has reduced to 24%.
Declining / Not on Target